About the author:
Potapov S. M., Pliten O. M., Halata D. I., Sidorenko R. V., Andreev A. V
Type of article:
Scentific article
To neoplasms which the most often affect young men testicular tumors are referred (up to 60% of all neoplasms). Among them the most common are germ cell tumors (GCT) – more than 90%. The purpose of study was to establish proliferative and apoptotic processes in yolk sac tumor, postpubertal-type (YSTPT), teratoma, postpubertal-type (TPT), spermatocytic tumor (ST) and teratoma with somatic-type malignancy (TSTM) of testis. Object and methods. The study of proliferative and apoptotic processes was performed on the material of observations of YSTPT, TPT, ST and TSTM of testis using markers Ki-67, Bax, Bcl-2 and p53. For evaluation of relative area (S) and intensity (L) of markers expression the patented technique was used. In addition, the proliferation index (PI) was calculated. All values are expressed as means, standard deviation (SD) and standard error of the mean (SEM) for statistical analysis. Statistical comparison was performed using Mann-Whitney test for statistical analysis. Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient (r) was counted for measure of the strength of relationship between paired data. The accepted level of significance was p≤0.05. Results. In YSTPT of group «1» S and L of Кі-67 expression as well as PI were moderate. In group «2» there was an increase (p <0.05) of these parameters. In the observations of combined groups «2» and «4» they were also higher (p<0.05) than those in group «1». In TPT, irrespective of the structure of the tumors of this group, the reaction with Ki-67 was observed as nuclear staining in single tumor cells. Markers Bax, Bcl-2 and p53 did not show significant expression depending on the stage of tumor progression. In ST S of Ki-67 expression was 1.82±0.02%, L was high (36.50±0.05 units), and PI was moderate (27.26±9.96%). The most significant Ki-67-positive reaction was observed in cells with pathological mitoses. S of Bax expression was 3.46±0.30% and L of immunopositive staining was moderate (49.28±0.44 units); the reaction with bcl-2 and p53 in the ST was negative. In TSTM of group «1» (fibrosarcoma) Ki-67-positive staining was observed in single tumor cells and PI was insignificant. S of Ki-67 expression in the observation of group «4» (adenocarcinoma) was 1.75±0.02%, L was high (37.55±0.17 units) and the PI was low (7,18±5.77%). At analysis of S of Bax expression it was found that in group «1» it amounted 2.16±0.31% and its L was moderate (42.46±0.58 units). In group «4» Bax expression was absent. The expression of bcl-2 in the observations of TSTM was observed in single cells and reaction with p53 was negative. Math analysis established a very high correlation (r= +0,98; p<0,05) between PI and S of Ki-67 expression in YSTPT. In other GCT significant correlation between the studied parameters was not established either due to a negative reaction or due to the small number of observations. Conclusion. The investigated GCT were characterized by low proliferative activity which depended on the histological type and stage of tumor progression. The highest proliferative activity was in YSTPT and the lowest in TPT and TSTM. In patients with YSTPT who had metastases PI, S and L of Ki-67 expression were higher than in patients without metastasis. Proliferative activity in TPT was increasing during the transition from the initial to the late stages of tumorous progression and in patients with metastases was higher than in patients without them. Markers Bax, Bcl-2 and p53 were characterized by extremely low levels of expression or negative reaction what makes it inappropriate to use them to improve the assessment of biological aggressiveness in any of investigated GCT.
germ cell tumors, proliferative and apoptotic processes, immunohistochemical investigation.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (152), 2019 year, 325-331 pages, index UDK 616.681 – 006 – 002.18 – 091.8 – 092.18