About the author:
Garmash О. V
Type of article:
Scentific article
The dental examination has been carried out at the University Dental Center (Department of Therapeutic Dentistry of the KhNMU). The paper presents the data on an examination of 140 individuals at the age of 11–55 years who were born with fetal macrosomia (main group) and individuals of the corresponding age with normal birth weight (79 persons), who comprise the comparison group. Participants in the Main Group were further divided into 4 subgroups, taking into account the weight-height index at birth and using the V.I. Grischenko and his co-authors’ harmonious coefficient. Aim of this research is to study the features of the stomatognatic system in individuals from Kharkiv region and adjacent areas, who were born with macrosomia, during the period of permanent dentition. The study takes into account intrauterine body length growth acceleration, intrauterine obesity or well-balanced acceleration of both the body weight and length gain. The percentage of individuals who have dentoalveolar abnormalities in all groups and subgroups is evaluated for the binomial distribution of a random variable.Сonclusions. The macrosomic-at-birth individuals have a significantly higher percentage of long narrow faces, high palates and narrow of the dental arches, compared to individuals born with normal height-weight parameters. It is important to notice that most of the abnormalities we have found are corresponding to the vertical growth pattern. Our study has revealed a higher percentage of dentoalveolar abnormalities in macrosomic-at-birth individuals compared to individuals born with normal height-weight parameters. Individuals who were born with macrosomia have reliably higher percentage of pathologic occlusion as compared to normosomic-at-birth individuals, in particular, Angle Class II molar relationship (51% vs. 28 % in the comparison group) and deep bite (49% vs. 17 % in the comparison group). The individuals born with macrosomia with intrauterine obesity and intrauterine standard body lengths have a significantly higher percentage of ankilglossia. They also have a significantly higher percentage of retinated and distoped teeth as compared to individuals born normosomic. Therefore, the state of the stomatognathic system in macrosomic-at-birth individuals differs from the state of the ones who were born with normal weight-height parameters.
fetal macrosomia, long-term consequences, stomatognatic system
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (152), 2019 year, 347-359 pages, index UDK 616.314 089.23- 053.15- 007.61(477)