About the author:
Pantus A. V., Rozhko M. M., Yarmoshuk I. R., Grekulyak V. V., Kohut V. L.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The success of surgical periodontal interventions depends on a number of local and patient-associated factors and can only be achieved with the complete elimination of the infectious focus and providing appropriate conditions for the subsequent regeneration of periodontal tissues. The aim of the research. Determine the level of effectiveness and justify the feasibility of using a fibrous matrix of polylactic acid foams as an alternative approach to directed bone regeneration during the reconstruction of intraosseal periodontal defects of the jaws. Object and methods of research. A detailed periodontal examination, a procedure for cone-beam computer tomography and the determination markers of bone tissue metabolism by means of a biochemical research were conducted for all patients before surgery. Results. In determining the level of reduction of bone defect volume in 12 months after surgery, using the data of cone-ray computer tomography and the graphic principle of superimposition, it was possible to establish that in the I group the volume of bone defect decreased by 31,19±4,07 conditional units, and in the 2nd group – was 29.18±1.39 units. Conclusion. The implementation of the directed bone regeneration procedure with the use as the main material for filling intraosseous defects of the jaw of the fibrous matrix of polylactic acid foams is an effective alternative to the classical approaches to the surgical treatment of two- and three-wall periodontal lesions.
periodontitis, fibrous matrix, polylactic acid
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (152), 2019 year, 367-370 pages, index UDK 616-003.93+616.314.-089+616.314.17-008.1