About the author:
Dychko D. V., Dychko V. V., Burov Y. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The purpose of the work was to study the level of cellular reactivity of the body of children with visual pathology in the age of 10-16 years. Object and methods of research. To establish the cellular reactivity of the body of children (boys and girls) aged 10-16 years, as well as to study the adaptive capacity of these children; To investigate the cellular reactivity of the organism in children aged 10-16 with visual pathology, an appropriate study of peripheral blood was performed in 118 children. In children with vision pathology 10-16 years of age, as well as in virtually healthy children of the corresponding age, whole blood was taken, however, blood was not taken from the finger to perform general analysis, so as not to disturb the sensory mechanisms (sensation of touch) of the sensitivity of children with pathology of vision, but with an elbow vein. The blood test was carried out by well-known and accepted methods throughout the world. Results of the research and their discussion. In children with visual pathology at the age of 10-16 years the hematological index of intoxication for VS decreases. Vasiliev at 5.46%, indicating the appearance of intoxication as an endotoxicosis stage that goes beyond the interstitial space, and the manifestation of endotoxicosis is at the level of peripheral blood. A decrease of 4.25% (P <0.05) of the lymphocytic granulocyte index indicates that the intoxication of the organism does not depend on the infectious process, but passes through destructive processes in the body (autointoxication). Such significant changes in immune-hematological parameters (hematological index of intoxication by VS Vasiliev and reduction of the lymphocytic granulocytic index) testify to the increased cellular reactivity ofthe body of children with visual pathology in the age of 10-16 years by 15.09%, this is confirmed by formation of a tendency to decrease the leukocyte index of intoxication (LII) for Y.Ya. Caliph Caliph at 13.99%. LII for Ya.Ya. Calf-Califa is important both for monitoring the effectiveness of rehabilitation measures and for the prognosis of rehabilitation and prevention of negative impacts. The value of LII is to determine the severity of the inflammatory process, as well as the possibility of using it as a criterion that helps, along with clinical and laboratory studies, diagnosis of progression (limitation) of the process, or the development of complications. A slight increase (2.15%) in the increase of the modified index of intoxication in children with visual pathology in the age of 10-16 years testifies to an increase in the level of endotoxicosis, although the level of endotoxicosis in the nuclear index of the degree of endotoxicosis is reduced by 4.55%. Decrease of the differential index of intoxication indicates that the processes of intoxication in children with vision pathology in the age of 10-16 years are mainly due to intoxication associated with the autoimmune process. Intoxication associated with infectious processes is insignificant. In all cases (indicators) characterizing the level of cellular reactivity of the body of children with visual pathology in the age of 10-16 years, violations belong to the I degree. Therefore, for the rehabilitation of these disorders, pharmacological rehabilitation is not being used, and it is possible to carry out rehabilitation measures with physical education. In the cellular reactivity of the organism and in the nonspecific protection of human organs, the largest proportion of the population of immunocompetent cells – neutrophilic granulocytes plays a significant role, the following unit is devoted to the reactive response of these cells. Conclusions and perspectives of further research. Thus, summing up the detailed study of the level of cellular reactivity of children with pathology of vision, it is shown that in all cases (indicators) characterizing the level of cellular reactivity of the organism of children with vision pathology in the age of 10-16 years, violations belong to the I degree. Therefore, for the rehabilitation of these disorders do not use pharmacological rehabilitation, and it is possible to carry out rehabilitation measures for physical education. The cellular reactivity of the organism and the non-specific protection of the human body play a significant role in the largest number of the population of the immune cells – neutrophilic granulocytes, the reactive response of these cells will be devoted to the following study.
children 10-16 years old, visual pathology, cellular reactivity
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (152), 2019 year, 379-382 pages, index UDK [616-092.18:612.017]-053.5-056.262