About the author:
Virstiuk N. G., Kocherzhat O. I., Vasylechko M. M., Luchko O. R., Gaman I. O.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Given the negative impact of obesity on human health, the high risk of many diseases and complications that threaten disability and even mortality, it is necessary to develop an adequate approach to sustainable weight loss. For successful treatment, and especially the recovery of patients with overweight or obesity, should be considered the use of a rational physical regime, as well as a healthy diet with limited fats and carbohydrates. Therapeutic gymnastics for obesity should be based on the principle of increasing load with the use of general developmental, breathing exercises and exercises that involve the muscles of the upper and lower extremities, abdominal muscles, which contribute to the local elimination of excess and uneven fat. Additional aerobic exercise in combination with a low-calorie diet can reduce the level of adipocytes of subcutaneous adipose tissue. Contributing to the consumption of a large number of carbohydrates, cyclic exercises catalyze the mechanisms of removal of neutral fats from the depot with their subsequent conversion into phosphatides, which are easily oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. Another important task of rehabilitation of patients with metabolic syndrome is to develop a program of nutrition with restriction of fats and carbohydrates. The basis of the diet program is a change in the quality characteristics of food and the inclusion in the diet of “healthy” foods. Factors such as obesity, age, sex, duration of weight gain, fat deposits, eating habits, dominant foods and meals in the diet, diet and alcohol consumption should be considered when compiling it. Thus, in the conservative treatment of obese patients has a significant therapeutic effect of exercise, which is based on a significant increase in energy expenditure and nutrition with restriction of fats and carbohydrates, accompanied by normalization of metabolism, reduction of excess weight, recovery of adaptation to exercise, improvement functions of the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive and other body systems and the expansion of functional capabilities in patients with metabolic syndrome.
rehabilitation, metabolic syndrome, obesity, diet, physiotherapy. Р
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (157), 2020 year, 19-23 pages, index UDK 616.12-008.331.1+616.379-008.64+616-056.52.