Shamelashvili K. L., Shatorna V. F.


About the author:

Shamelashvili K. L., Shatorna V. F.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The main problem of our time is the pollution of the environment with heavy metals, one of which is cadmium, which enters the body with food and air and accumulates in internal organs. A topical direction of experimental research is the search for compounds that can counteract the toxic effects of cadmium on the body. The aim of the investigation was to experimentally determine the modifying effect of zinc succinate on the embryotoxicity of cadmium chloride after intragastric administration during the entire period of pregnancy in rats. Object and research methods. Experimental studies were carried out on female Wistar rats. For embryonic studies, female rats with dated gestational age were obtained using the vaginal smear method. From the first day of pregnancy, the test substances were administered. To simulate the influence and toxic effect of exposure to cadmium chloride, we injected females daily per os with a solution of cadmium chloride (at a dose of 2.0 mg/ kg) throughout pregnancy. In the second experimental group, a combined administration of cadmium chloride (at a dose of 2.0 mg/kg) and zinc succinate (at a dose of 5.0 mg/kg) was carried out. On the 13th and 19th days of pregnancy, surgical slaughter was performed. The number of embryos, the number of corpus luteum in the ovaries of the female were counted to determine the total, pre-implantation and post-implantation mortality of embryos. The research results were processed statistically using the Student’s test. Research results and their discussion. According to the results obtained, the dose and method of administration of cadmium chloride have a high level of embryotoxicity, which is expressed in a decrease in the number of embryos in a litter, an increase in the total, pre-implantation and post-implantation embryonic mortality. Analysis and comparison of the data obtained proved that the complex of succinic acid with zinc is capable of reducing the negative effect of cadmium on the course of embryogenesis in rats. This is reflected in an increase in the number of embryos by 23% on the 13th day of pregnancy, and by 20% on the 19th day, compared with the isolated administration of cadmium chloride. The calculation of the results obtained showed a significant decrease (by 2 times on the 13th day and by 66% on the 19th day of pregnancy) in embryonic mortality with the combined administration of cadmium chloride and zinc succinate, which indicates the modifying effect of zinc succinate on the embryotoxicity of cadmium chloride in the experiment on rats. Conclusions. Thus, the results obtained prove that the complex of succinic acid with zinc has a pronounced modifying effect on the embryotoxic parameters of cadmium chloride. The compensatory effect on embryotoxicity of cadmium chloride in the studied dose is manifested in an increase in the number of embryos, a decrease in all types of embryonic mortality with the combined administration of cadmium chloride and zinc succinate in an experiment on rats.


cadmium chloride, zinc succinate, embryogenesis, embryotoxicity, embryonic mortality


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (157), 2020 year, 58-61 pages, index UDK 599.323.4:591.436:591.3:546.48:616-092.9