About the author:
Ivchuk V. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The aim – analyze occupational morbidity in the city of Kryvyi Rih, its structure in dynamics for 2015- 2019, identify the main reasons for the formation of occupational pathology and propose ways to solve the problem. Object and methods. Based on the processing of medical documentation, a comparative analysis of indicators of occupational morbidity in the dynamics of 2015-2019, taking into account the main forms of pathology, was carried out. Statistical processing of digital data was carried out using generally accepted statistical methods. Results. The article shows the levels of indicators and the structure of occupational morbidity of employees working in conditions of exposure to harmful and dangerous factors of the industrial environment of the enterprises of the city of Kryvyi Rih. It is established that in the structure of occupational morbidity the leading place is occupied by COPD of professional etiology, the second by radiculopathy, the third by vibration disease, and the fourth by cochlear neuritis. The number of cases of diagnosed cochlear neuritis in 2015-2019 has increased, and for COPD, vibrational disease and radiculopathy – slightly decreased. It is shown that the introduction of a complex of measures to prevent the emergence of occupational diseases and new modern technologies for assessing the health of workers will contribute to an objective reduction in the professional and general morbidity. Conclusion. Occupational morbidity levels among employees of enterprises in Kryvyi Rih in 2015-2019 ranged from 287 to 461 cases. In the structure of occupational morbidity, the first place belonged to COPD of occupational etiology (38.4%), the second – radiculopathy (25.4%), the third – vibration disease (18.6%), the fourth – cochlear neuritis (11.3%). The dynamics of occupational diseases in 2015-2019 showed that the number of cases of diagnosed cochlear neuritis increased over time, and for COPD, vibration sickness and radiculopathy, it slightly decreased.
health of the working population, preventive medical examinations, occupational diseases, diagnostics, prevention.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (157), 2020 year, 76-78 pages, index UDK 613.62:001.5(477)