About the author:
Karachentsev Yu. I., Dubovik V. M., Gopkalova I. V., Khaziev V. V., Sokolova S. S., Korchagin Y. P., Filonenko N. G., Sazonov M. Y., Gerasimenko L. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Aim. The aim of this study was to evaluate the frequency of combinations of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT) with other underlying pathology of the thyroid parenchyma in various forms of thyroid cancer (TC). Patients and methods. This was a retrospective study of 424 histological preparations of patients with TC who had undergone thyroidectomy over an 12-year period (between 2008 and 2019). Was determined of morphological variant of the TС, which appeared of combinations of HT with and without other pathology of the thyroid parenchyma. All statistical calculations are made using Statistics 6.0 Copyright © StatSoft, Inc. 1984-2001, Serial number 31415926535897. Statistical analysis was performed using chi-square test and Fisher’s exact criterion. Results. It was shown that thyroid cancer, as an independent disease, occurred in 35.8% of ТС (152 cases). However, it was found that Gyurtle- cellular ТС, as an independent disease, on the background of intact thyroid parenchyma was observed significantly less often (РF 2-4 = 0,04; РF 3-4 = 0,021), than follicular ТС and medullary ТС, and papillary ТС – much less common than follicular ТС (Рχ1-2 = 0,003). HT as a background pathology, in a separate form was detected in 58 cases (13.7%) of the ТС, and in combination with other pathology of the thyroid gland in 67 cases (15.8%). Thus, in general, HT is 29.5% (125 cases), the last 147 cases of the thyroid gland were combined with other background pathology of the thyroid gland. The most common background thyroid diseases at which ТС was detected in combination with НТ were colloid goiter and follicular adenoma, as well as their combinations. In total, НТ was found in papillary ТС in 47% of cases, in medullary ТС – in 30%, in Gyurtle- cellular – in 56% and in poorly differentiated ТС – in 40%. It was shown, that in combination with follicular carcinoma, НT is detected significantly less frequently than in all other studied forms of ТC (in pure form – 2.5%, all in all – 5.5%). Conclusions. Such a frequent combination of thyroid cancer with other thyroid diseases can significantly complicate preoperative diagnosis and requires special attention when choosing treatment tactics.
thyroid gland, thyroid cancer, autoimmune thyroiditis, colloid goiter, follicular adenoma.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (157), 2020 year, 105-109 pages, index UDK 616.441-006:6-08