About the author:
Seliukova N. Yu., Misyura K. V., Storozhenko G. V., Volokhov I. V
Type of article:
Scentific article
Today, it is almost unknown exactly how fetoplacental insufficiency of mothers affects the formation of the reproductive system in female and male offspring. Therefore, the aim of our work was to study the somatosexual development of offspring of two sexes born to mothers of different ages with fetoplacental insufficiency and to assess the degree of correction of complicated pregnancy by a pharmaceutical composition. The experiment involved healthy sexually mature female mothers of Wistar rats, young (3-4 months) and mature (8-10 months) of reproductive age, with a normal four to five day estrous cycle. The first day of pregnancy was considered the day of sperm in the morning vaginal swabs. 8 groups of 7 pregnant females were formed: groups 1 and 2 – intact animals of young and mature reproductive age; groups 3 and 4 – females with experimental fetoplacental insufficiency of young and mature reproductive age, respectively; groups 5 and 6 – young and mature animals with experimental fetoplacental insufficiency and addition to food depending on the weight of animals from 11 to 19 days of pregnancy pharmaceutical composition, which contains non-fetotoxic active pharmaceutical ingredients from the groups of basic therapy of fetoplacental insufficiency, namely: amino- (L-arginine) and dicarboxylic acids (succinic acid), vitamins (folic acid) and vasodilators (Dipyridamole). Groups 7 and 8 – young and mature animals with experimental fetoplacental insufficiency, to which was added to the food comparison drug – Dipyridamole. Modeling of fetoplacental insufficiency was performed by daily subcutaneous injection to females from the 12th to the 18th day of pregnancy 50% oil solution of carbon tetrachloride at a dose of 2 ml/kg body weight. After the birth of offspring, they studied somatic and sexual development until puberty (60 days). It was found that fetoplacental insufficiency delays the somatic development of male and female animals born to reproductively mature mothers. No changes in somatic development were found in the offspring born to the young. In the study of sexual development of animals born to mothers of different ages with fetoplacental insufficiency in females observed accelerated puberty, on the contrary, in males developmental delay. A positive correction of the pharmaceutical composition for somato-sexual development of male and female offspring born to mothers with fetoplacental insufficiency was revealed.
fetoplacental insufficiency, mother’s age, somato-sexual development, Dipyridamole, pharmaceutical composition.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (157), 2020 year, 142-145 pages, index UDK 612.084+611.6/618.3-06