About the author:
Yaroslavtsev S. O.
Type of article:
Scentific article
362 patients with cognitive impairment in depressive disorders were examined: 123 patients with recurrent depressive disorder (RDD), 141 patients with bipolar affective disorder (BAD) and 98 people with prolonged depressive reaction (PDR). Socio-demographic characteristics included distribution by age, sex, level of education, marital status, characteristics and sphere of professional activity and place of residence. Socio-demographic indicators of patients with cognitive impairment in depressive disorders were determined. It was found that among the examined persons prevalence of females (51,96 %), only in the group of patients with BAD there were more men (53,90 %). Persons aged 30-44 years prevailed (38,12 %). There were more young people (18-29 years) among patients with PDR (21,43 %) and BAD (31.21 %), and middle-aged people (45-59 years) and the elderly (60-65 years) were more among patients with RDD (37,40 % and 17,07 %). The level of education in patients with cognitive impairment in depressive disorders was dominated by persons with secondary specialized (33,25 %) and graduated education (33,26 %). The majority of patients were city residents (66,46 %), married (34,91 %), among patients with PDR there were more single people (41,84 %), among patients with RDD and BAD were more divorced persons (21,95 % and 26,95 %, respectively). In terms of employment, patients with cognitive impairments in depressive disorders were characterized by a predominance of working people (48,63 %), who were mainly engaged in mental work (61,22 %); 29,58 % of patients were unemployed, 21,77 % patients were retired. The number of persons with physical nature of work was higher among patients with PDR (54,72 %) than with RDD and BAD (36,21 % and 25,40 %, respectively), among whom patients with mental nature of work prevailed (63,79 % and 74,60 %, respectively) and there were more pensioners (27,64 % and 23,40 %, respectively). Hereditary burden of the main disease with somatic pathology was found in 90 patients with depressive disorders (24,86 %), the presence of alcohol dependence in relatives was found in 71 patients with depressive disorders (19,61 %) and the presence of depressive disorders in relatives was found in 64 patients with depressive disorders (17,68 %). At the same time, hereditary burden of depressive disorders distinguished patients with RDD and BAD from patients with PDR (21,95 %, p = 0.009 and 19,15 %, p = 0.024, respectively), among whom there were more patients with hereditary burden in the form of personality anomalies in relatives (8,13 %, p = 0.012 and 9,93 %, p = 0.026, respectively). Thus, certain socio-demographic characteristics of patients with cognitive impairment in depressive disorders should be taken into account in the differential diagnosis of these disorders.
patients with cognitive impairment, depressive disorders, socio-demographic characteristics, recurrent depressive disorder, bipolar depressive disorder, prolonged depressive reaction.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (157), 2020 year, 165-169 pages, index UDK 616.8-008.64:616.89-008.46:159.943:314.04-052