About the author:
Voznyi O. V., Shumna T. Ye., Lepetchenko Ye. S.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Abstract. The high level of caries prevalence among the children in Ukraine is the problem of modern dentistry. The considerable increase of caries defeat of temporary and permanent teeth in children with bronchial asthma continues to grow in spite of efforts of prophylactic dentistry. Somatic pathology occupies an important place among the factors of risk of caries derivation. The relation between the diseases of mucous membrane, cranio-facial bones, pathological processes of hard tissues of teeth and somatic pathology is well known. Bronchial asthma takes one of the leading places among the most common allergic diseases in children. The prevalence of bronchial asthma among child population varies from 1% till 18%. Children with the diseases of respiration organs have higher marks of caries defeat than healthy children. The aim of the work is to determine the knowledge of children with bronchial asthma and their parents about the influence of somatic pathology on stomatological health. Object and methods. We have analyzed and studied thoughts of parents and their children with bronchial asthma about the influence of somatic pathology on the stomatological health. We created special questionnaire for children and their parents. Respondents (children and parents) answered questions voluntary. The form consisted of 21 questions. They can be divided into three modules. The first one consisted of questions about somatic disease and methods of delivery of medicine. The second one had questions about the influence of somatic pathology on stomatological health. The third – characterized the apportionment of children by the age and gender. Results. We have determined that almost half of parents (49%) connect exacerbation of main disease with the period of flowering. Nevertheless, children of this parents had 7 attacks of bronchial asthma every year. 40% of children had alimentary allergy. 50% of children with bronchial asthma visited dentist 2-3 times per year. We were surprised that 45 parents did not go to the dentistry with their children very often, while 3% of children didn’t visit dentist at all. The main reason of visiting the dentistry was pain (in 76,9% of cases) and for 23,1% of children – planned revision. The common and important way of prophylaxis is using the rinser. Still only 18 children used it, 34 children swill the mouth with simple water and 46 didn’t use it at all. Fear against the dentist had 23 children (9 girls and 14 boys). Conclusions. Thus, Considerable amount of parents and their children didn’t see the connection between bronchial asthma and stomatological health. They visit dentist irregular and ignore recommendations about prophylaxis of dental diseases.
dental caries, bronchial asthma, children, intensity, prevalence.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (157), 2020 year, 311-313 pages, index UDK 616.248:616.314]-053.2