About the author:
Gurzhii О. V., Kolomiets S. V., Berezhna О. E.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The traumatism of surgical operations in dentistry demands us to search for minimally invasive methods for tissue alteration. The use of lasers makes us able to solve this problem, since laser radiation is characterized by less surgical trauma, selectivity of exposure and activation of reparative processes in the wound. The advantages of using a diode laser during surgical procedures in the oral cavity include: sterile conditions during the procedure, good hemostasis and the absence of bleeding during and after surgery, the predictable depth and high accuracy of the incision. With the correct use of the laser, postoperative scars are more elastic, which does not lead to tissue deformation. At the clinic, there was conducted an examination and surgical treatment of 48 patients aged from 14 to 28 years with a small oral cavity atrium.Surgical treatment was carried out by the traditional method according to the improved Clark technique and using a diode laser “Lika-Surgeon +” (Photonica-Plus, Ukraine) with a wavelength of 940 nm, power from 2.0 to 3.5 W, “Norm” mode, impulse – uninterrupted, contact method. The criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the use of the laser were data from clinical research methods. Postoperative edema and pain were less pronounced with the use of a surgical laser compared to the traditional treatment. The difference in terms of wound healing when using a surgical laser compared to a traditional one was 3±0.5 days. According to the data of the study, the use of a diode laser with a wavelength of 940 nm provides a decrease in tissue trauma during vestibuloplastics. Laser radiation contributes to a more favorable course of the postoperative period, reduces edema and pain syndrome, accelerates the healing process of postoperative wounds, and reduces the risk of purulent-inflammatory complications. The undeniable advantages of the laser usage in the course of vestibuloplasty are less traumatism of tissues, maintenance of the wound surface sterility, provision of hemo- and lymphostasis (operational comfort), good visualization, less pronounced postoperative discomfort, satisfactory cosmetic effect. Thus, the use of a diode laser allows us to improve the technique of surgical intervention and increase efficiency of the treatment of patients with small atrium of the oral cavity. A promising field of the research is further study of the course of the wound process with the use of diode laser for patients from different ages groups on the background of concomitant somatic pathology.
small atrium of the oral cavity, vestibuloplastics, diode laser.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (157), 2020 year, 319-322 pages, index UDK 616. 314. – 089