About the author:
Sheshukova O. V., Onishchenko A. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The formation of the general somatic and dental health of children is influenced by the peculiarities of hygiene and habits of the child, the nature of nutrition, chronic diseases. Higher levels of IL-10 can provide protection against periodontal disease against the background of excess body weight, while lower levels of IL-10 may be a factor in disease progression. The aim of the study: assessment of dental status and determination of the concentration of anti-inflammatory IL-10 in the oral fluid of children of primary school age with normal and overweight. Object and methods of research. 628 children were examined. The study included 81 students of Poltava school 1-4 grades aged 6-11 years with normal and overweight with the presence and absence of signs of periodontitis. Anthropometric and dental examinations were performed. To characterize the inflammation in the organs of the oral cavity, the content of IL-10 in the oral fluid was determined. Results. Indicative for the diagnosis of overweight are the circumference of the waist and hips, the thickness of the fat fold, which can then be used to diagnose obesity in children of primary school age. The index of hygiene in children with excess body weight corresponded to satisfactory hygiene, in children with normal body weight this indicator in the presence of gingivitis corresponded to unsatisfactory hygiene. The condition of gingivitis in the group of overweight children was probably worse, although it was within mild severity. The intensity of caries in overweight children was higher, but we did not find a significant difference. The prevalence of caries for the normal weight group was slightly lower (53% and 38%) than for overweight children (60% and 44%, respectively). Children with overweight and inflammation of periodontal tissues have a higher prevalence of dysgnathic occlusion. The results of the studies indicate the same type of changes in the concentration of anti-inflammatory interleukin-10 in the study groups. In children with normal body weight, the concentration of IL-10 was insignificantly higher and ranged from 3.47 ± 0.36 pg/ml in children with healthy periodontium, and in the presence of gingivitis was 3.85 ± 0.33, which can be interpreted as an early sensitive, albeit nonspecific marker of inflammation, which is manifested by clinical signs. The value of IL-10 in overweight children was in the range of 4.88 ± 0.26 pg/ml (PMA = 0), and in this group of children with signs of inflammation was determined to be slightly lower (4.79 ± 0.1 pg/ml), which may indicate a greater and more stable immune response. Conclusion. According to the survey, a satisfactory level of hygiene was determined in overweight children, and the level of hygiene in all children with normal body weight was unsatisfactory. In overweight children, gingivitis was characterized as chronic catarrhal gingivitis of mild severity, had higher scores PMA. A significant difference in the concentration of IL-10 in these two groups of children was not determined, but the difference in the data suggests that this indicator may be a predictor in predicting periodontal disease in overweight children. Prospects for further research. Investigation of the state of oral homeostasis in children of primary school age with normal and overweight for further development of schemes for the prevention of periodontal diseases.
children, gingivitis, overweight, primary school age.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 3 (157), 2020 year, 374-377 pages, index UDK 616.311.2-002+616-002.4-057.874