Melashchenko O. I., Kaliuzhka O. O., Ziuzina L. S., Fastovets M. M., Kozakevych V. K.


About the author:

Melashchenko O. I., Kaliuzhka O. O., Ziuzina L. S., Fastovets M. M., Kozakevych V. K.



Type of article:

Scentific article


A review of modern scientific sources has shown that the treatment of children with recurrent respiratory diseases (RRD) on the background of pharyngeal tonsil hyperplasia (PTH) requires a comprehensive and personalized approach that takes into account the child’s age, etiology, period and course of the disease, concomitant conditions, degree of hypertrophy and bacterial complications in the anamnesis. Drugs must be safe and with proven effectiveness. The functioning of adenoids involves the accumulation of microbial antigens. Therefore, treatment measures for adenoiditis and preventive measures to prevent RRD in children with adenoids should be aimed at cleaning the mucous membranes and elimination of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora, which is achieved through the use of nasal irrigations with saline solutions NaCl or sterile sea water. In modern conditions, in order to reduce inflammation, edema and adenoids’ size, destruction of bacterial biofilms on the surface of the pharyngeal tonsil, the use of endonasal glucocorticoid steroids has been proven, the safest of which is mometasone furoate. Tactics of management of children with adenoid hyperplasia should promote acceleration of the reparation of the epithelium and restore the cytoarchitectonics of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, which is achieved by using an endonasal drug based on a colloidal solution of silver, Iceland moss extract and D-panthenol. To reduce respiratory morbidity, it is recommended to increase the resistance of child’s organism to viral and bacterial infections by activating the mechanisms of production of antimicrobial peptides and restoring the eubiotic condition of the microflora of the respiratory tract’s mucosa, that is achieved by using the symbiotic FLUVIR.


recurrent respiratory diseases, children, the pharyngeal tonsil hyperplasia (adenoids), adenoiditis.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (158), 2020 year, 35-39 pages, index UDK 616.9:616.21-053.2-085