Kolosova I. I.


About the author:

Kolosova I. I.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Researchers have determined that the inhabitants of the modern metropolis have an accumulation of various chemical in the body, including toxic elements. Significant place among which is occupied by the accumulation of cadmium that disrupts the disposal of essential elements in the body: Ca, Zn, Se, Cr, Fe. Zinc is an essential trace element in the processes of DNA synthesis and repair, embryogenesis, reproduction, tissue regeneration, immunogenesis, behavioral responses, brain development, etc., the need for which increases significantly during pregnancy. Zinc deficiency affects reproductive function: impaired ovogenesis – the process of division and maturation of oocytes. The aim of the study was to compare the accumulation of cadmium and zinc in the ovaries of pregnant female rats with the isolated introduction of cadmium salts (chloride and citrate) and in combination with germanium and cerium citrates. Object and methods of research. To determine the accumulation of cadmium in the ovaries of 70 white female females of Wistar rats, which were kept in the vivarium on a standard diet, were divided into 7 groups in which the animals received the following solutions: 1 group – Е#1 (n = 10) – cadmium chloride in dose of 1.0 mg/kg; Group 2 – Е#2 (n = 10) – cadmium citrate at a dose of 1.0 mg/kg; Group 3 – Е#3 (n = 10) – cadmium chloride at a dose of 1.0 mg/kg with germanium citrate (0.1 mg/kg), Group 4 – Е#4 (n = 10) – cadmium citrate at a dose of 1.0 mg/kg with germanium citrate (0.1 mg/kg), group 5 – Е#5 (n = 10) – cadmium chloride at a dose of 1.0 mg/kg with cerium citrate (1.3 mg/kg), Group 6 – Е#6 (n = 10) – cadmium citrate at a dose of 1.0 mg/kg with cerium citrate (1.3 mg/kg), group 7 – control (n = 10) – 0.5 ml 0.9% NaCl. Solutions of test substances were administered to females daily intragastrically through a tube once a day, at the same time throughout their pregnancy. During the administration of solutions recorded the condition and behavior of females, the dynamics of body weight, rectal temperature, duration of pregnancy. On the 20th day of pregnancy operative slaughter was carried out an. Baby-rats were removed from the females rats uterus during autopsy. Baby-rats were checked for the test “living-dead”, weighed, conformity of fetal development to the stage of normal development was determined, it was performed macroscopic examination of embryos to detect external abnormalities, photographed and fixated in 10% formalin solution for further histology research. In the females ovaries were determined the number of corpora lutea of pregnancy, their weight and size. The part of the ovaries was frozen to measure the cadmium content in the samples by multi-element analysis. The frozening was performed by the method of atomic radiation with electric arc atomization.Analysis of the results showed an increase in the level of cadmium accumulation in all experimental groups. The highest changes were observed during isolated administration of cadmium chloride in the group of influence of cadmium chloride (by 2.7 times higher than the control group) (p<0.001). During combination with metal citrates in the group of combined exposure of cadmium chloride with germanium citrate the level was increased (by 7.5 times compared to the control group (p <0.001). Indicators of zinc accumulation level in the ovaries were the highest in the group of isolated exposure of cadmium chloride (1.7 times higher than the control group (p <0,001)). During combination with metal citrates levels were decreased in all groups compared to the control group (p < 0.001).


cadmium chloride, cadmium citrate, germanium citrate, cerium citrate, experiment, polyelement analysis.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (158), 2020 year, 60-65 pages, index UDK 612.3:591.39:661.852:661.782-092.9