Rudenko K. M.


About the author:

Rudenko K. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


. Interest in studying the impact of habitat quality on the growth of so-called diseases of civilization or non-communicable diseases has increased significantly around the world, especially in countries with developed economies. The growth of urbanization inevitably leads to a complication of the environmental situation in the areas occupied by industrial enterprises, highways, as well as in adjacent areas. Cadmium – a heavy metal, classified in the second class of danger, with a pronounced tendency to accumulate in the body. Cd poisoning occurs when it enters the stomach or by inhalation. Aim of the study. To determine the effect of copper succinate on embryotoxicity of cadmium in combination with cadmium chloride throughout pregnancy in rats. Object and methods of research. The study was performed on 48 female rats of the Wistar line, weighing 180-300 g. The presence of all four phases of the cycle and the rhythm of their alternation in each female, at the stage of proestrus and estrus were paired with intact males according to the scheme 2:1. Determination of the first day of pregnancy in females was determined by the presence of sperm in vaginal swabs. Females were weighed to calculate the required amount of cadmium chloride. The solutions were administered to females intragastrically, through a tube once a day, daily from the first day of pregnancy: the first group – control, the second group – the introduction of a solution of cadmium chloride at a dose of 2.0 mg/kg – the group of isolated cadmium and the third group of combined chloride cadmium at a dose of 2.0 mg/kg and copper succinate at a dose of 0.1 mg/kg. During the experiment, the condition and behavior of female rats, rectal temperature, body weight dynamics, and duration of pregnancy were recorded. On the 13th and 19th day of pregnancy, females underwent surgery. Rats were removed from the uterus, in the ovaries of females counted the number of corpora lutea of pregnancy and their correspondence to the number of embryos in both horns of the uterus. Conclusions. Comparison of the results of embryotropic action of cadmium chloride at a dose of 2.0 mg/kg with the control group revealed its embryotoxicity: with almost the same number of corpora lutea of pregnancy there is a significant (p≤0.05) decrease in the number of live fetuses on the 13th day and on the 19th day of embryogenesis in cadmium exposure groups, which occurs due to an increase in all types of embryonic mortality and the number of embryos. In the groups of combined administration of cadmium chloride in combination with copper succinate (0.1 mg/kg) in comparison with the group of isolated administration of cadmium, the compensatory effect of copper on embryotoxic parameters of cadmium is determined, which proves inhibition of copper absorption and embryotoxic effects of animals.


cadmium, copper, embryotoxicity, rat embryos.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (158), 2020 year, 69-73 pages, index UDK 611.013:616.341-092.9:546.48