Tataryn B. B., Kryzhanivska A. Ye., Ersteniuk H. M., Tataryn L. V.


About the author:

Tataryn B. B., Kryzhanivska A. Ye., Ersteniuk H. M., Tataryn L. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The aim of the study. To evaluate the effect of radiation and chemotherapy treatment on the content of Cr, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn in the blood of patients with colorectal cancer and to study the correlation between metal content and stage of CRC, sex, primary tumour location, blood type and rhesus factor. Object and methods. The study is based on the results of observation of 157 patients with CRC. The control group consisted of 15 individuals without malignant neoplasms. The studied metals in the blood of patients were determined using the method of atomic absorption determination of micro- and macroelements in ash solutions of biological materials. Results. The change in the content of Cr and Cd after radiation therapy was detected and no statistically significant change in the content of metals after chemotherapy was found. There was no significant correlation of metal content depending on sex and location of the primary tumour. There was a correlation of Cu, Zn and Pb content among patients with blood groups II and III, as well as Cu with blood groups I and II. The results of studying of the influence of patients’ rhesus status on the metal content showed a higher content of Cu and Zn which was statistically significant in the group of rhesus negative patients; for Cd, Pb and Cr the results were statistically insignificant. When studying the content of HM depending on the stage of CRC, the highest correlation was found in Pb, the lowest – in Cu. Conclusions. Cr content was 1.3 and 1.2 times lower in patients after radiotherapy and surgery + radiotherapy, respectively, compared with patients who received surgical treatment. The level of Cd was 1.3 times higher in patients after radiation treatment compared with patients after surgery. There is a statistically significant higher content of Cu (1.14 times), Zn (1.1 times) and Pb (1.29 times) in patients with blood group III compared with blood group II, as well as higher Cu content (1.13 times) in patients with blood group I compared with group II; there is also a correlation between Cu and Zn content with rhesus status: in both cases higher concentrations of metals are registered in the group with negative rhesus status of patients (1.15 and 1.11 times, respectively), for all other comparison groups the error was statistically insignificant.


colorectal cancer, heavy metals, radiation and chemotherapy treatment of colorectal cancer.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (158), 2020 year, 200-204 pages, index UDK 612.11+546.3+616-006.6+616.348+616.351+616-08