Zolotukhina O., Romanova Iu., Skyba V., Hnatenko V.


About the author:

Zolotukhina O., Romanova Iu., Skyba V., Hnatenko V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


. Periodontal diseases today remain an urgent problem of modern dentistry. It is known that periodontal pathology has a polyetiological nature, which is characterized by the development of the pathological process under the influence of risk factors and concomitant somatic pathology. Many scientific studies have shown that the leading role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory-dystrophic periodontal diseases is played by disorders in the hemomicrocirculation system, which lead to tissue hypoxia, edema, dystrophy, necrosis and tissue sclerosis. In chronic generalized periodontitis (CHGD) there is dilation of capillaries, increased permeability, dilation of the venous vessels of the microcirculatory tract. The aim of this work – to assess the state of hemodynamics in the microcirculation system of periodontal tissues in smoking patients with chronic generalized periodontitis on the background of chronic hyperacid gastritis. Object and methods. 90 patients aged 25 to 44 years old were studied and divided into 3 groups: 1st – 48 patients with CHGP and chronic hyperacid gastritis (CHHG) associated with Helicobacter pylori, with a smoking history of 5-7 years and the number of cigarettes smoked from 15 to 20 per day; 2nd – 22 patients with CHGP and CHHG associated with Helicobacter pylori, but without the bad habit of smoking; 3rd – control group consisted of 20 healthy individuals. Smoking patients were randomly divided into two groups depending on the chosen method of treatment: the 1st subgroup – the use of basic therapy of CHGP and developed treatment prevention complex – TPC (ultraphonophoresis procedures with the created gel «Apisan», and probiotic drug BioGaia ProDentis and angioprotective drug – Detralex); the 2nd subgroup – the use of basic therapy of CHGP and ultraphonophoresis procedures with placebo. To assess the state of hemodynamics in the microcirculation system, an ultrasound examination of periodontal blood flow was performed. The Gosling pulsation index and the index of peripheral blood flow resistance distal to the measurement site – the Purcelo index were calculated. Results and discussion. The use of the therapeutic and prophylactic complex in smoking patients and patients without a bad habit with CHGP and CHHG associated with Helicobacter pylori showed a positive dynamics of the functional characteristics of microcirculation and the state of the periodontal vascular walls. Conclusion. Thus, it can be argued that the use of the proposed LPC had a positive effect on the microcirculation of periodontal tissues in the near and long term, even in conditions of chronic gastritis associated with Helicobacter pylori, with increased secretory function and risk factor – smoking.


periodontitis, microcirculation, gastritis, smoking.


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    Publication of the article:

    «Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (158), 2020 year, 338-342 pages, index UDK 616.314.17-008.1:616.31-08-039.71: 612.135 612.15: 616-005.3
