Kaskova L. F., Нoncharenko V. A.


About the author:

Kaskova L. F., Нoncharenko V. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Epidemiological studies in recent years are indicative of a high occurrence of periodontal diseases in children and teenagers in Ukraine, which is estimated by different authors as 70-98%. One of the main common risk factors promoting development of periodontal diseases is comorbid pathology and endocrine one in particular. Objective: to assess the state of oral hygiene and determine the level of sanitary-educational knowledge of children suffering from diabetes mellitus (DM). Object and methods. To solve the purpose we have conducted stomatological examination of 109 children with chronic catarrhal gingivitis (CCG) aged 12-16, suffering from diabetes mellitus. Results and discussion. The results of the survey obtained are indicative of an inadequate level of sanitaryhygienic knowledge among respondents, which is in direct proportion to the indices of oral hygiene. The results of our assessment concerning hygienic state of the oral cavity in children depending on the duration of general somatic disease showed decreased hygienic level and increased values of Fedorov-Volodkina index. Thus, in children with CCG suffering from DM longer than 5 years and having suboptimal glycemic control the values of hygienic index were 1,3 times higher (2,61±0,06) and corresponded to unsatisfactory hygienic level in comparison with (1,99±0,19) in children suffering from DM less than 5 years, and which corresponds to satisfactory hygiene. In children with glycemic control level with high risk for life and duration of DM longer than 5 years hygienic index was (3,28±0,25) which was 1,4 times higher than in children who suffered from DM less than 5 years and the value of the index was (2,40±0,19) which corresponds to poor and unsatisfactory hygienic level of the oral cavity respectively. We have also analyzed hygienic state of the oral cavity depending on the degree of severity of the underlying disease. Thus, in children with the glycemic control level with high risk for life and duration of DM longer than 5 years the value of Fedorov-Volodkina index exceeded the similar ones 1,3 times ((3,28±0,25) against ((2,61±0,06) in children with suboptimal glycemic control, and corresponded to poor and unsatisfactory hygienic level of the oral cavity respectively. Similar tendency was observed in the group of children suffering from DM less than 5 years. In children with glycemic control level and high risk for life the hygienic index was (2,40±0,19) and was indicative of unsatisfactory level of oral hygiene. It was considerably higher in comparison with (1,99±0,19) suboptimal glycemic control and 1,5 times higher ((1,66±0,00) than with optimal glycemic control, which corresponded to satisfactory hygienic level in both cases. Conclusions. The majority of children have a low level of sanitary-hygienic knowledge which is evidenced by insufficient hygienic habits. Assessment of hygienic condition of the oral cavity in children suffering from DM confirms that with intensification of inflammatory processes in the periodontal tissues the values of the hygienic index increase. It gives the grounds to state that oral hygiene depends on the duration and severity of the underlying disease.


children, chronic catarrhal gingivitis, diabetes mellitus.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (158), 2020 year, 342-346 pages, index UDK 616.31-083-053.2:616.311.2-002-06:616.379-008.64