Kovalyshyn Kh. V., Rozhko M. M., Dmytryshyn T. M.


About the author:

Kovalyshyn Kh. V., Rozhko M. M., Dmytryshyn T. M.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Object and methods. We examined 137 patients, among whom were selected 105 people with GP of I-II degree, chronic course. Among them, 70 patients with GP and RA in remission, 35 patients with GP without RA. There were 14 patients with GP of III degree, who were not included in further researches. Patients with RA were divided into two groups: group I – 35 patients who live in environmentally unfavorable areas and group II – 35 patients who live in environmentally favorable areas of Ivano-Frankivsk region. Patients with GP without concomitant somatic pathology formed group III – 35 people. Each of the groups, depending on the degree of GP was divided into subgroups: A – GP of I degree; B – GP of II degree. The control group consisted of 18 healthy individuals. The Green Vermilion Hygiene Index was used to assess oral hygiene. The degree of gingivitis was determined by the PMA index. Destructive changes in periodontal tissues were evaluated by RI. The depth of periodontal pockets was measured. Research results and their discussion. There was a significant deterioration in the level of oral hygiene, the highest degree of gum inflammation, deep destructive changes in the periodontal tissues in patients with generalized periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis who live in ecologically unfavorable areas relative to patients of II and III groups. During all periods of observation after the conducted complex treatment, the effectiveness of the proposed therapeutic and prophylactic complex was established, which is confirmed by the results of clinical indices. The obtained data indicate that the conduct of professional hygiene and training in personal hygiene is important during the entire period of treatment. Changes in the state of periodontal tissues in patients of all subgroups were also confirmed by the positive dynamics of the periodontal index and PMA index. Conclusions. The proposed treatment and prophylactic complex helps to improve the condition of periodontal tissues and leads to remission of generalized periodontitis.


generalized periodontitis, rheumatoid arthritis, ecologically unfavorable territories, medical and preventive complex.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (158), 2020 year, 346-352 pages, index UDK 616. 314. 18-002.4. 616. 72-002.77 504.5