Nikolishin I. A., Nikolishinа E. V., Dvornik V. M., Dobrovolsky O. V., Dobrovolska O. V.


About the author:

Nikolishin I. A., Nikolishinа E. V., Dvornik V. M., Dobrovolsky O. V., Dobrovolska O. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The problem of fixing removable plate prostheses remains the most urgent in orthopedic dentistry. Polyamide prostheses (Vertex, Deflex) are widely used in practical dentistry. A significant disadvantage of polyamide dentures is the transfer of a chewing load to the gingival mucosa and the alveolar ridge, which provokes the development of atrophy of the alveolar process of the jaws after some time of their use. We have proposed a method for fixing removable polyamide plate prostheses, which eliminates the gap between the base of the orthopedic structure and the atrophied mucous membrane of the oral cavity. We introduced our proposed method of fixing removable plate prostheses based on the use of an elastic substrate made of A-silicone “Ufi Gel P”. Initially, it was proposed to improve the fixation of acrylic dentures, but when applied similarly to polyamide dentures, there is no strong connection. In order to use this elastic pad in polyamide prostheses, we conducted a laboratory and clinical test, which consisted in the use of an elastic substrate made of A-silicone «Ufi Gel P» applied to the base of the polyamide prosthesis pre-treated with liquid for repairing flexible prostheses Vertex Thermo Fusing Liquid. Vertex Thermo Fusing Liquid is a universal liquid and is suitable for polyamide (nylon) prostheses of any manufacturer. During the preparation of the prosthesis for relocation, the method of etching is used not by gluing, thanks to the fluid the surface layer of nylon softens and, as a result, microretention is formed. The results of the study of patients’ subjective assessment of the effectiveness of the treatment clearly demonstrate the advantages of partial removable prostheses made of thermoplastic materials and relocation by our improved method of fixing removable plate prostheses in comparison with partial removable prostheses made of acrylic plastics. The study took into account such subjective criteria as «habituation», «absence of food under the prosthesis», «stability of the prosthesis when chewing». Patients of the first clinical group noted that they quickly got used to the use of new types of prostheses, emphasizing the ease of removal and installation of prostheses.


fixation, polyamide prostheses, mucosal atrophy.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (158), 2020 year, 352-356 pages, index UDK 5616.314-76