Smaglyuk L. V., Kulish N. V., Karasiunok A. Y., Shklyaruk Ye. V.


About the author:

Smaglyuk L. V., Kulish N. V., Karasiunok A. Y., Shklyaruk Ye. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Deformations of the palatal-alveolar complex due to compression of the upper jaw by lower jaw in case of buccal cross-bite cannot always be eliminated by the instrumental method of treatment. The aim of the study was to find out what forms of deformity can reach the morphological optimum as a result of orthodontic treatment with a removable orthodontic appliances with a screw and lateral biting planes. In 39 patients with buccal crossbite without mandibular displacement and with displacement it, the structure of the palatal-alveolar complex was analyzed before and after orthodontic treatment by the modern method of 3-D helical computed tomography. All patients used removable orthodontic appliances for the upper jaw with a screw and occlusal biting planes until the correct relationship between the posterior teeth in the horizontal plane was achieved. In patients with a displacement of the mandible, an inclined plane was added to the construction. An interspecies assessment of the state of the palatal-alveolar complex indicates that the degree of changes in the configuration of the palate is better in 10-12 years old children with a buccal cross bite without displacement of the lower jaw. In these cases a batter percentage of saddle-shaped palate deformity is determined and only in half of the patients during treatment takes on a physiological form. In children with BСВ without displacement of the mandible, a complex and varied degree of deformation of the palate and alveolar processes is determined. Despite the active growth of the palate in 10 years, to restore its correct structure in the process of orthodontic treatment is not always possible with a saddle-shaped deformity, which encourages us to the necessary of orthodontic treatment in the early period of mixed occlusion, and possibly even in the period of temporary occlusion. The data obtained are an argument for recommendations to start orthodontic treatment at an earlier age, when changes of the palatal-alveolar complex do not acquire significant deformity in the shape of a saddle.


cross-bite, palate and alveolar bone morphology, orthodontic treatment.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 (158), 2020 year, 70-374 pages, index UDK 616.315-06:616.314.25/26-007.26/271-03-053.5-089.23.163/168