About the author:
Zalutina V. V., Gavrilyuk V. G., Sokolova I. E., Sklyar T. V
Type of article:
Scentific article
There was conducted the monitoring of papillomavirus infection morbidity among the different age groups and by sex in Dnipro and Dnipropetrovsk region for 2018: the fact of presence of papillomavirus infection disease was established in 65.3 percent of the examined persons. A high rate of infection is inherent in the persons of reproductive age from 18 to 45 years old: 63.78 percent of women and 28.19 percent of men. The rate of infection with certain papillomavirus serotypes and with various degrees of oncogenicity was determined by real-time polymerase chain reaction: 38.12 percent of persons turned out to be the carriers of serotype markers with the average oncogenic potential, 37.64 percent of persons were infected with papillomavirus serotypes with a low manifestation of oncogenicity, and the markers of highly oncogenic human papillomavirus serotypes were detected in 24.24 percent of persons. Dysbiotic impairments of the reproductive tract microflora composition were detected in persons infected with human papillomaviruses, which is associated with the colonization by the pathogenic agents of sexually transmitted diseases having different etiology. The results of studies having been carried out are indicative of the need for monitoring of the spread of papillomavirus infection and the determination of pathogenetic mechanisms of long-term persistence of human papillomaviruses in the body, which will promote the development of combined enhanced approaches to the treatment and prevention of diseases as well as the reduction in the incidence of malignant neoplasms of genital localization associated with the human papillomavirus.
papillomavirus, microflora of the reproductive tract, polymerase chain reaction, monitoring, oncogenic potential.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 1 (153), 2019 year, 57-61 pages, index UDK 578.7:579.61