About the author:
Misura K. V., Manska K. G.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The article presents the data of complex analysis of eating behavior in 130 young women – representatives of the Ukrainian population with different body weight depending on its composition, topography of adipose tissue deposition, melatonin secretion, presence and degree of insulin resistance. There was a direct relationship between the depth of eating disorders and the degree of fat deposition, the severity of insulin resistance; the inverse relationship is between the severity of eating disorders and the average daily urinary excretion of the metabolite melatonin-6-sulfatoxymelatonin, a drop in the relative content of metabolically active tissues. This relationship is the most expressive relative to the restrictive type of eating behavior, which can be considered a feature of young women – representatives of the Ukrainian population. A significant difference between women with overweight from patients with obesity is the normal average score in the group on the answers relative to EB on the restrictive and external type; from women with overweight the presence of EB disorders by emotionogenic type. Young women with moderate abortion, in contrast to those with normal OT, have violations of EB by emotionogenic and external types. Women with severe abortion also have all three types of EB disorders, the severity of which increases with the degree of abortion. The priority results of the work were the determination of regression equations with respect to the above-described correlative relationships in young women-representatives of the Ukrainian population.
obesity, overweight, eating behavior, body composition, melatonin, insulin resistance.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 1 (153), 2019 year, 118-126 pages, index UDK 616.056.52:616-036.22-08