About the author:
Khaniukov O. O., Sapozhnychenko L. V., Kalashnykova O. S., Valchuk D. S.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The article represents the results of the survey held among sixth year studying students of the 1st medical faculty of SI «DMA» in order to identify cardiovascular risk factors. Family history of premature cardiovascular diseases (sudden death, arterial hypertension (AH), ischemic heart disease (IHD), stroke), level of physical activity, smoking were analyzed. The degree of nicotine dependence in smokers was determined using the Fagerstrom test. Gender, age, height, weight, body mass index, blood pressure, heart rate were also evaluated. It was found that only 50 (27.3%) students did not have any cardiovascular risk factors. Among those surveyed, 120 (65.6%) family history of premature cardiovascular diseases was observed in 120 (65.6%) students: AH in 100 (51.6%) students, IHD – in 10 (8.33%), combination of AH and IHD – in 35 (29.2%) students. Respondents noted sudden death among relatives in 9 (4.6%) cases, stroke – in 40 (20.6%) cases. Low physical activity (21.3%) and smoking (19.1%) were the main modified risk factors among medical students. Tobacco smoking amounted to 85.7%, the use of electronic «cigarettes» – to 14.3%. Most respondents understand the negative effects of smoking and prefer to quit smoking. A high level of awareness about risk factors for cardiovascular diseases has been established among medical students. Our findings indicate the need for preventive work organization either during the educational process and in everyday life. It’s very important to introduce cigarettes and electronic «cigarettes» use restrictions in public places and to organize educational events to raise the awareness among young people about the risks associated with the use of electronic «cigarettes»
student, risk factors, cardiovascular diseases, low physical activity, smoking, e-cigarette.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 1 (153), 2019 year, 162-169 pages, index UDK 616.1-036.3:614.253.4:378.09