About the author:
Faradjeva S. S.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Goal. To assess some clinical and genetic aspects of fat metabolism disorders, depending on the carrier of genetic polymorphisms of the gene associated with fat mass FTO in patients with DM2 of the Azerbaijani population living in different regions of the country. Methods. 81 patients with DM2, citizens of the Republic of Azerbaijan, who were on outpatient or inpatient treatment in endocrinological, cardiological, nephrological departments were examined. The age of the patients in the sample was 54.7+8.8 years, the duration of the disease SD2 – 5.6+3.2 years, body mass index (BMI) – 32.5±5.7 kg/m2 . Diagnosis of DM2 was carried out according to the who classification (1999-2006). The design of the study involved genetic typing and clinical and laboratory examination of 81 patients with DM2 living in different regions of Azerbaijan. The percentage distribution of genotypes of the FTO gene was calculated by the formula: F=n/N; where: N – the number of examined patients; n – the number of genotypes. The distribution of genotypes is calculated in %. The parameters of lipid metabolism included determination of total cholesterol (OH) and triglycerides (TG) in blood plasma using the cholesterol liquicolor test kit by CHOD–PAP and the TRIGLYCERIDES liquicolormono test kit by GPO-PAP of Human (Germany). Results. It was revealed that in Azerbaijan, patients with diabetes suffer from obesity and overweight. In this regard, it is necessary to determine the polymorphism of the gene associated with fat mass (FTO) and the Association of genotypes with indicators of fat metabolism. Pathology of hypothalamic structures responsible for eating disorders leads to the use of hypercalloric food and then a natural increase in body weight. The frequency of occurrence of single-nucleotide genetic polymorphism in groups was assessed, as well as the risk stratification of clinical (phenotypically manifested) metabolic SD2-associated disorders in patients with SD2 in the population belonging to different regional groups. The at genotype in all groups of people living in different geographical regions with different climatic conditions has the highest incidence: group I – 65.4%; group II – 51.9%; group III – 39.3%. The results of the study reliably confirm that at polymorphism in the locus of the FTO gene is one of the factors of genetic predisposition to obesity: in group I – 65.4%; in group II – 51.9%; in group III – 39.3%. The Association of indicators of fat metabolism OH and TG with heterozygous genotype at gene FTO and its involvement in the development of disorders of fat metabolism. Therefore, heterozygous mutant at genotype can be considered as one of the predictors of obesity in obese SD2 individuals in the Azerbaijani population. Conclusion. Polymorphism at the locus of the FTO allele a gene contributes to the accumulation of abdominal fat. The nucleotide Adenine of the FTO gene affects the hypothalamic center of eating behavior, thereby contributing to increased appetite and increased food intake.
type 2 diabetes, fat metabolism, fTO gene polymorphism.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 1 (153), 2019 year, 177-181 pages, index UDK 616-056.52-056.7: 616.153.9