About the author:
Slyusarenko N. Ya.
Type of article:
Scentific article
This article is devoted to the problems of industrial practice of dental disciplines in the context of credit-module system. Accentuated the importance of this form of training activities during training. The experience of conducting practice at the department of surgical dentistry is presented. Industrial medical practice for surgical dentistry for students of the 4th year lasts – 2 weeks in the surgical department of the dental polyclinic. The final modular control of industrial medical practice takes place on the last day of practice after its completion. Modules are supervised by the faculty members in the presence of the supervisor from the practice base. At the same time, the introduction of a credit-module organization of the educational process involves emphasizing the student’s independent work. In turn, taking into account the dialectical relationship of the rule of unity of consciousness and activity, as well as the principle of active personality, the study of the specialty should take place in conditions that are close to professional activity. Industrial practice allows to consolidate practical skills acquired in the process of training, to develop the ability to make independent decisions in matters of diagnosis and treatment, to master the procedure of registration of medical records, to learn how to behave properly in the work team and to make collegial decisions, to master the rules of deontology and medical ethics. Industrial practice is a very important stage of cognitive activity as an element of materialized action, a criterion for the truth of knowledge. It should also be emphasized that the preparation of the student during the course of industrial medical practice is aimed at forming the motivational, cognitive and operational components of further professional development.
surgical dentistry, manufacturing practice, credit-modular system, interactive forms of training.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 1 (153), 2019 year, 184-187 pages, index UDK 373.62+616.314-089+378.147