About the author:
Dusmukhamedov M. Z., Rizaev J. A., Dusmukhamedov D. M., Abdukayumov A. А., Khakimova Z. K.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Difficulty in nasal breathing is the most common complaint of children with ССLP. The feeling of difficulty in nasal breathing is subjective and depends on many causes and characteristics of the child’s body. Despite the continuous improvement of diagnostic methods, the problem of evaluating the functions of the nasal cavity remains relevant. Modern computer technology contributes to the emergence of new non-invasive, atraumatic methods that safely evaluate the function of the nose. These methods include anterior active rhinomanometry – PARM. Purpose of the study. To determine the peculiarities of these PARM in children with ARH, depending on the forms of secondary and residual deformities of the nose after cheiloplasty and NGN after uranoplasty. The study involved 59 children with CCLP who were under observation at the Department of Pediatric Maxillofacial Surgery at the TGSI Clinic, which underwent cheilo- and uranoplasty. All patients, depending on the shape and localization of the deformation, were divided into two main and control groups: 1 group comprised 31 patients with secondary and residual deformities of the nose after cheiloplasty, 2 group consisted of 28 patients with secondary and residual deformities of the palate after uranoplasty; 3 group – control included 21 healthy children. The use of computer rhinomanometry – PARM in patients with ARH helps to more reliably determine the presence and degree of nasal obstruction, as well as to control it in the dynamics of the treatment process.
congenital cleft lip and palate, rhinomanometria, PPS, uranoplasty.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 1 (153), 2019 year, 193-198 pages, index UDK 616.315-007.254:616.211-008.4-073.3]-053.5/-7