About the author:
Sohuyko R. R., Masna Z. Z., Pavliv H. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The results of numerous clinical and experimental studies show that the quality and mineral composition of bone tissue changes under the influence of various factors of both exogenous and endogenous origin. However, the data on changes that occur in bone tissue with long-term use of medications, in particular – of analgesic action, are fragmentary. The aim of our work was to study the peculiarities of the dynamics of the density and mineral composition of the bone tissue of the lower jaw of the rat after the application of bone-destructive trauma on the background of prolonged use of nalbuphinum with subsequent treatment with lincomycinum. Object and methods of research. The study was performed on 30 male rats weighing 180–200 g and 3.5 months of age. Opioid dependence was modeled in animals, on the background of bone-traumatic injury. After the injury, lincomycinum treatment was performed. Another 5 animals formed a control group. Injury was modeled by disruption of the integrity of the lower jaw bone tissue in the area of molars with the help of dental drill under thiopental anesthesia. Opioid dependence was modeled by intramuscular administration of narcotic analgesic nalbuphinum daily (1 time per day at the same time of day) according to the following schedule: 1st week – 8 mg/kg, 2nd week – 15 mg/kg, 3rd week – 20 mg/kg, 4th week – 25 mg/kg, 5th week – 30 mg/kg, 6th week – 35 mg/kg. Lincomycin (30% solution) was administered intraperitoneally at a dosage of 25 mg/kg once a day for 6 days after performing bone-destructive injury. Quality control of the bone tissue of the injured area of the mandible was performed using a dental radiovisiograph Siemens with Trophy Radiology software. The unit of measurement of tissue density was taken as the conventional units of grayness (CUG). Atomic absorption spectral analysis (AASA) was used to determine the mineral composition of the bone tissue of the lower jaw of the rat. The content of eight mineral elements was determined: calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), potassium (K), iron (Fe), strontium (Sr), zinc (Zn). The concentration of the test elements was indicated in mg/g. Results. The data obtained from the study showed that, on the background of nalbuphinum intake, the density of the mandibular bone tissue increases for two weeks and decreases during the third week, returning, practically, to the control indices. That is why the end of the third week of the experiment was chosen as the term for traumatic injury. After trauma on the background of nalbuphinum intake and lincomycinum treatment, bone density increased sharply, exceeding the norm by 1.5 times, and decreased over the next two weeks, remaining slightly above control at the end of the sixth week of the experiment. The analysis of the mineral composition of the bone tissue of the mandible showed that during the first week of the experiment the content of calcium, phosphorus, iron, strontium and zinc increased, the content of sodium, magnesium and potassium decreased. At the end of the experiment, absolute values of calcium, sodium, iron and zinc content increased compared to the control, phosphorus and potassium decreased, and magnesium and strontium returned to normal. The analysis of the particle dynamics of the studied elements showed that in all bone samples among the four macroelements (Ca, P, Mg, Na), the largest specific share belongs to calcium, slightly less is the share of phosphorus, the smallest is the proportion of sodium and magnesium; among the microelements (K, Fe, Sr, Zn), the highest is the potassium content, and the lowest is the strontium and zinc specific shares. By the end of the experiment, the proportions of calcium, iron, strontium and zinc are increasing, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium and potassium are decreasing. Conclusions. Indicators of density and mineral composition of the bone tissue of the mandible of the rat after the application of bone-destructive injury against prolonged use of nalbuphinum with subsequent treatment with lincomycinum have pronounced dynamics, different and characteristic for each of the studied parameters. On the background of nalbuphinum intake, the bone density of the mandible increases for two weeks, and decreases during the third week, returning, practically, to the control indices. After bone traumatic injury and lincomycinum treatment, bone density increased sharply, exceeding the norm by 1.5 times and decreasing over the next two weeks, remaining slightly above control at the end of the sixth week of the experiment. The results of atomic absorption spectral analysis of the bone tissue of the lower jaw of the rat allow to determine the quantitative content of four macroelements (Ca, P, Mg, Na) and four microelements (K, Fe, Sr, Zn) and to study their dynamics during the experiment. The dynamics of the absolute indices of the content of the studied elements and their specific shares during the six weeks of the experiment are different. After six weeks of the experiment, absolute levels of calcium, sodium, iron, and zinc were increased compared to control, phosphorus and potassium were decreasing, and magnesium and strontium were returning to normal; the proportion of calcium, iron, strontium and zinc increase, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium and potassium – decrease.
bone tissue, nalbuphinum, density, mineral composition, bone-destructive trauma.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 1 (153), 2019 year, 231-237 pages, index UDK 611.716.4-001-018.4:612.015.31:615.212.7:615.33]-08