About the author:
Cherkasov V. G., Kuzmenko Y. Y., Malikov O. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Anthropometry in anatomy as one of the methods of anthropological research, which consists in measurement of parameters of the skeletal parts in order to establish age, genital and other structure features, which allows to give a quantitative description of their variability. The need for such anthropometric studies (kraniometry, osteometry) is due to a deeper study of those anatomical drugs (skeletons), which visually have signs of certain diseases. This article focuses on research of anthropometric parameters of human bones, which, in life, suffered from chondrodystrophy, a congenital systemic disease, which manifests itself primarily lesions of cartilage bones (limbs, skull base). Parameters of cranial and osteometric measurements of this skeleton, which is part of the collection of anatomical preparations of the human anatomy department of the Bogomolets National Medical University, more deeply demonstrated picture of bone deformation, which is a typical sign in the disease. All features of the structure of the skeleton and many separate his bones are connected with the disease, which people have suffered since childhood. As can be seen from the research results (visual examination, results of tables) have a place of deformation of limbs, reduction in the size of all bones of the skeleton, skull of pear-shaped, cerebral skull department is too advanced. At the present stage such scientific works are enriched with objective data on changes of nature of hereditary diseases, inherent characteristic features in connection with the revealing of the role of differentiating factors and development of control methods and treatment of such Diseases. Analysis of the results of anthropometric studies will improve the basic clinical training of a doctor, strengthen the significance of fundamental medical and biological knowledge.
skeleton, anthropometric study, chondrodystrophy.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 1 (153), 2019 year, 237-241 pages, index UDK 611.7:572.7: 616.71-007.152