About the author:
Belov V. M., Kiforenko S. I., Gontar T. M., Kobzar T. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Concidering human health and new understanding of the role of health care system, prevention and rehabilitation with qualitatively new technologies, including intelligent information technologies, a set of methodological, expert, and technical capabilities, enabling to expand the knowledge base in the field, are currently coming to the forefront. The aim of this work is to develop a comprehensive computer-based decision support system for managing health status using methods of healing and rehabilitation. Object and research methods. The object of research is the category of human health as a hierarchical structure, reflecting the trinity of its physical, mental and social components and considered within the context of recovery and rehabilitation. The following methods were used to develop a comprehensive computer system for express diagnostics of health (CSEDH): questionnaire, unification and standardization of different quality indicators with their conversion into a unified relative form, methods of statistical analysis, structural-functional, informational and mathematical modeling, multidimensional scaling methodology. Research results and discussion. Informational and structural model of decision-making support technology was developed while choosing health and rehabilitation measures. Rehabilitation impacts are structured depending on the results of testing and calculations of the integrated assessment of health – the health index and private estimates of its components. A software implementation of the quantitative health assessment algorithm with all its components and verbal conclusions corresponding to the test results have been developed. Conclusions. The developed software package enables to automate and promptly collect survey data, analyze the dynamics of diagnosed conditions and can serve as an effective, low-cost, affordable tool for screening and monitoring public health. The developed technology is an open system, the filling of which depends on personal preferences and needs of potential users, and with elementary computer skills is available to any user for operational self-control and self-correction of condition in problematic situations.
computer system of express diagnosis of health, decision-making support, health management, health improvement and rehabilitation.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 1 (153), 2019 year, 258-264 pages, index UDK 61:007-612.2