About the author:
Rizaev Zh. A., Sadikov A. A., Khadzhimetov A. A., Daminova N. R., Inogamov Sh. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
To select the most appropriate recovery programs, using new approaches in carrying out diagnostic and health-improving measures among boxing athletes, we studied the features of the dentofacial system and assessed the state of the blood-brain barrier. 46 athletes of various levels of training involved in contact (boxing) sports in the pre-competition and competitive periods of the training process at the age of 16-24 years with a duration of sports experience of 2-5 years (1 group of 26 boxers) and with a duration of sports experience of more than 10 years were examined. (2 group of 20 boxers), as well as 14 healthy individuals who are not engaged in sports of the highest achievements. Dental status, “Hamburg testing” of the state of the masticatory apparatus and temporomandibular joint, as well as the level of S-100 protein in the blood, were studied. It was revealed that the dental status of boxers is worse than in the comparison group of the same age in terms of the intensity of caries and periodontal diseases, the prevalence of temporomandibular joint pathology, non-carious lesions, and periodontal diseases. Among boxing athletes, the average number of subjects subject to tooth hypoplasia in the youngest age group was 4%, while in the older age group, the indicators were significantly lower and were determined at a value of 2%. Many athletes (51%) complained of discomfort in the temporomandibular joint and stiff muscles of the maxillofacial region in the morning and after strenuous workouts, gnashing of teeth in a dream, spontaneous clenching of teeth. In 6 athletes, pain in the TMJ area was the main complaint (13%). The indicators of the Hamburg Testing program indicated the presence of masticatory apparatus dysfunction in athletes, while a functional norm was revealed in the comparison group. An increase in the concentration of glial protein S-100 was noted, which testifies to the activation of neurodegeneration of astroglia in boxers, especially older ones, who have been engaged in boxing for a long time.
temporomandibular joints, TMJ, Hamburg Testing program, astroglia, neurodegeneration.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 1 (153), 2019 year, 270-274 pages, index UDK 616.314-008]:796.83