About the author:
Ivanyts’ka О. S., Ivanyts’kyi І. О., Rybalov О. V., Havryl’ev V. M., Boyko I. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
In the modern context, most European countries face a noticeable tendency of increased of the hypersensitivity of teeth (HT), which can exist as an independent disease, as well as to accompany periodontal diseases. In recent years, new medications have been introduced in the dental market for treating HT, having different chemical composition and mechanism of action. However, their effective use is sometimes impeded due to the fact that functional and structural changes in the tissues of the tooth and periodontium occur against the background of disrupted general metabolic processes. Therefore, it is quite obvious that a significant increase in the effectiveness of treating patients with HT can be achieved through a comprehensive approach to eliminating its manifestations. The aim of the research is to optimize the treatment of patients with hypersensitivity of teeth by using a comprehensive approach to its eliminating. Object and methods. Our study was based on the results of examination and treatment of 86 patients with HT. In the examination of patients, the uniform integrated program aimed at finding out the local causes and identifying systemic risk factors for the disease was applied, with a compulsory assessment of its mineralizing potential. To determine the clinical efficacy of the comprehensive therapy, all patients were divided into two groups, equal in number. Treatment of the main group was carried out according to our proposed method. HT without recession gum used the material for deep fluoridation Ftorcalcit-E. In the case of HT with localized recession, restoration of lost periodontal structures by directional regeneration using the absorbent barrier collagen membrane «Mucograft» was performed. For the treatment of patients in the control group, a traditional regimen was selected that included applications of phosphate-containing toothpastes and electrophoresis of 2.5% calcium glycerophosphate. In the comprehensive treatment of patients in the both clinical group, «Calcium-D3 NicoMed» was used. Research results. The examination of patients with HT before treatment allowed to confirm the presence of morphofunctional inferiority of enamel and dentin in these persons, which is a consequence of the combined effect of a number of local and general factors. Of particular importance in the pathogenesis of this disease are disorders of inorganic metabolism in the body, which is reflected in the process of remineralization of hard tissues of the teeth and metabolism in the alveolar bone. Subsequent examinations, during which the regression dynamics of the signs of this pathological condition was detected in patients with HT under the influence of therapy, it was found that this process was more effective in the main group. Thus, in the control clinical group, 2 weeks after initiation of treatment, 27 patients (62.8%) reported that complaints were completely absent. The tests conducted after 1 month found that the results of treatment of 22 patients (51.1%) were stable. In the main clinical group, already in 2 weeks after the initiation of treatment, positive dynamics was observed in all patients of this group. Thus, complete elimination of pain sensations was recorded in 32 patients (74.4%) with HT. Results of therapy after 1 month in patients of main group indicated that excellent therapeutic effect was in 39 patients (88.4%), in all other cases patients reported about significant decreasing of signs of HT. Long-term investigations in main group found that relapse of the disease was not observed. Thus, the use of the proposed treatment regimens with combination of conservative and surgical treatment allowed us not only to achieve a noticeable therapeutic effect in relation to the clinical manifestations of HT. The effectiveness of the proposed therapeutic regimens, confirmed by clinical and laboratory studies, allows them to be recom
teeth hypersensitivity, gum recession, complex treatment.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 1 (153), 2019 year, 315-319 pages, index UDK 616.314 – 009.611:616 – 085 /– 089