About the author:
Inagamov Sh. M., Rizaev Zh. A., Sadikov A. A., Muratkhodzhaeva L. E., Daminova N. R.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Today, in practical medicine, it becomes an integral part of medical and hygienic programs to optimize treatment and preventive measures and all medical supervision in sports of the highest achievements. According to many experts in the field of sports medicine, the functional state of various body systems, including organs and tissues of the oral cavity, as the most important element and indicator of the overall health of professional athletes. The aim of this study was to study the relationship of oral diseases and functional disorders of the body of athletes involved in contact sports against the background of intense physical training. Object and methods. In the period from 2017 to 2018, a dental examination of 64 professional athletes of various levels of training involved in contact (wrestling, boxing) sports in the pre-competitive and competitive periods of the training process at the age of 16-24 years with a length of sports experience of 2-5 years was carried out and 14 practically healthy individuals who are not engaged in sports of the highest achievements. Results and discussion. Clinical and epidemiological studies to identify the prevalence and intensity of inflammatory periodontal diseases among professional boxers revealed an increase in the frequency of occurrence of inflammatory and destructive pathological processes in soft periodontal tissues as the intensity and duration of the training process increased, that is, in the pre-competition period. So, the number of sextants with a healthy periodontal period began to decrease markedly with increasing skill and age of athletes, and against the background of intense physical training. Our studies have shown that the prevalence of caries and non-carious lesions of teeth in qualified athletes was higher than in individuals not involved in sports professionally. Considering the specifics of the training process and mainly oral breathing during prolonged physical exertion, a study was made of the state and frequency of prevalence among boxers of diseases of the oral mucosa and lips. Their lowest frequency occurred in the age group of 20-24 years, which, in our opinion, is associated with the still insufficient level of adaptation of the body to intense and prolonged physical and psycho-emotional stress. In the course of clinical studies, to identify the relationship between violations of dental status and the focus of the training process, a statistical analysis of the relevant indicators was carried out among representatives of the free and classical types of wrestling – 20; professional boxers – 64 and persons who made up the control group – 14. According to the results of our clinical studies and diagnosis of the degree of development of the pathological process in periodontal tissues in all groups of athletes, a high level of chronic generalized periodontitis of mild severity and chronic catarrhal gingivitis was determined in comparison with the control group. Conclusions. The highest level of prevalence of inflammatory diseases of hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity was detected precisely in representatives of contact sports, like boxing. Prospects for further research. Further research will focus on improving the treatment and prevention complex with a view to systematically improving the provision of dental care and improving the health of contact sports athletes.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 1 (153), 2019 year, 319-322 pages, index UDK 616.311 – 018 – 002 – 036.2: 796.8.071.2