About the author:
Mozgova O. M., Vovchenko L. O.
Type of article:
Scentific article
An important pathogenetic factor that is considered as a risk factor for dental caries in children is a decrease in nonspecific resistance of the body. The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between damage to dental hard tissues and mucous membranes in children with manifestations of herpetic infection. It has been identified that a simple herpes infection can impact the intensity of dental caries in children and cause the lesions of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. During the analysis of the received data it has been identified that the main group of children 10-12 years old had the highest values of the caries intensity of the CFR and SIC indices. It has been established that recurrent oral herpes in children may be caused by the association of HSV, EBV, HHV-6, HHV-7 herpesviruses that cause a more severe clinical course of the disease. The following associations were identified most often HSV + EBV (53) та HSV + EBV + HHV–6 (33). 67,15±4,78% of children aged 7-9 years old in the main group were diagnosed with permanent tooth decay, while children of 10-12 years old were diagnosed at 89,60±5,02%; in the control group 52,31±4,69% of children aged 7,5-9 had tooth decay and 83,51±6,61% of children aged 10-12 years old. It has been determined that 10-12-year-old children from both study groups were more predisposed to high intensity caries. Additionally, the highest values of permanent tooth decay intensity (according to the CFR and SIC indices) were found in 10-12-year-old children with severe manifestations of ROH (recurrent oral herpes). The SIC index values were significantly higher than the average CFR indices: in the 7-9 year old children, the SIC index exceeded the CFR average by 1.59 and by 1.05 in the control group; in children 10-12 years old from the main group SIC exceeded the CFR index by 1.6 and 1.03 in the main and the control group respectively.
children, herpes infection, tooth decay.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 1 (153), 2019 year, 331-334 pages, index UDK 616.314-002-053.2:616.311-0227:578.825.4