About the author:
Dychko O. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The article is devoted to the study of indicators of function of the autonomic and cardiorespiratory systems in children. A study was conducted of 43 children of 11-14 years, including 19 children with scoliosis, and 24 practically healthy peers. The purpose of the study was to study the dynamics of individual indicators of the function of the autonomic nervous and cardiorespiratory systems of children aged 11-14 years with scoliosis compared with their almost healthy peers from secondary school. Analysis of the dynamics of the test of physical performance of children aged 11-14 years showed that the need for myocardium in oxygen both during rest and during exercise, as well as the first and second rest was the same among practically healthy children and boys and girls with scoliosis. During physical activity, myocardial oxygen demand increased sharply and equally both among girls and boys of 11-14 years of age as in the control group and in experimental control group without significant gender difference. There were no gender differences in the Kerdo index in the group of almost healthy adolescents of 11-14 years and adolescents with scoliosis of the same age. However, when comparing between observation groups, one immediately draws attention is that several times exceeding the value of the Kerdo index in the group of children with scoliosis, and this pattern is characteristic for both girls and boys. The determined fact indicates that the extremely powerful activation of the sympathetic nervous system is found in children with scoliosis also persists in adolescence. During physical activity the same tendency persists in the distribution of the parameter of the Kerdo index: a significant excess of the index in the group of girls and boys aged 11-14 years with scoliosis compared with the control group. Determination of the degree of training of the cardiovascular system on the basis of the calculation of the endurance coefficient allowed us to establish that the corresponding coefficient was not significantly different among the groups under study in the state of rest and physical activity, as well as the first and second rest from the physical activity. Analysis of the systolic heart rate according to the Robinson index showed that in the rest state the highest index was found in almost healthy adolescent girls, although statistically significant difference was found only among the girls of the experimental and control groups. The best energy potential of the body of adolescents with scoliosis in comparison with almost healthy adolescents persists since childhood. The Robinson index increased while physical activity, with a statistically significantly higher index in the experimental group of girls compared to male adolescents. The same tendency was found both during the first and the second rest. The highest maximum stroke volume of blood at rest was found in adolescent girls with scoliosis. Moreover, this indicator statistically significantly exceeded both the corresponding value in boys with scoliosis and the stroke volume of blood in almost healthy boys and girls. The value of minute volume of blood at rest and during the first and second rest was not significantly different among almost healthy children aged 11-14 years compared with their peers with scoliosis. During physical exercises a statistically significant lower value of minute blood volume was observed only in adolescent girls with scoliosis compared to adolescent boys in the study group. Conclusions. Thus in the result of our study it was found that children with scoliosis are behindhand their almost healthy peers in terms of autonomic nervous function and cardiorespiratory systems. Myocardial oxygen demand at rest, during physical activity and during restitution was lower in scoliosis children than in practically healthy ones. The Kerdo index in children with scoliosis before, during and after exercises was higher than in practically healthy ones. Children with scoliosis had lower Robinson’s index. Prospects for further research were to study the dynamics of autonomic nervous and cardiorespiratory function in adolescents aged 15-17 years with scoliosis compared with their relatively healthy peers from secondary school.
children 11-14 years old, scoliosis, vegetative nervous system, cardiorespiratory system.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 1 (153), 2019 year, 355-358 pages, index UDK 616.8:616.711-007.5-053.6