About the author:
Kalabukhova A. S.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The aim of the work is devoted to study the condition of the cardiovascular system in children of the younger school group. Object and approaches of the research. The research was conducted at specialized secondary schools Numb. 12, 6, 1, 15, 13 and complex «Harmony». The study was conducted in 1,003 children aged 6-11. To study the cardiovascular system, heart rate, blood pressure was measured and adaptive potential was calculated. According to our measurements, the heart rate averaged 86.92 ± 9.515 beats / min. The percentage is 65.9%, which is the average level in this age group. From the first to the fifth grade, 1% of children were 5 years old and 10% were 11 years old. At the same time, systolic blood pressure was 102.87 ± 10.08 mm rt. art., diastolic blood pressure – 75.84 ± 11.148 mm rt. art., which is the physiological norm in primary school group. Among primary school students, 63.8% have satisfactory adaptation; 36.2% of children are at the lower level border, which indicates the tension of adaptation mechanisms. The highest rate of tension in adaptation mechanisms was 66.7 per cent for children aged 5. Conclusions. The condition of the cardiovascular systems of primary school children has average indicators, which is the norm, but the adaptive index for R. M. Baevsky is on the lower border of the norm, which stimulates further research. Prospects for the further research. In connection with the five-year first-graders, there is a need for additional research using the Robinson index, the functional change index and the Rufie index at rest and under standard physical load.
primary school age, cardiovascular system, heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 1 (153), 2019 year, 363-366 pages, index UDK 612.143 + 612.16 + 611.1