About the author:
Zhuk L. А.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The article presents the data of literary sources, which reflect the relevance of the problem of chlamydial infection in children. The obtained data on the influence of on the formation of chronic somatic pathology in childhood have been analyzed. In recent years, many foreign and domestic authors have observed significant changes in the microbial spectrum of pathogens that cause diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract. Chlamydia persist in epithelial cells and fibrocytes of infected mucous membranes, as well as in monocytes and tissue macrophages, which contributes to their systemic spread throughout the body. Persistence contributes to the development of immunosuppression, which unfavourably affects the course of chronic non-infectious pathology (bronchial asthma, oncological processes). The greatest tropism of chlamydia is experienced in the cylindrical epithelium of various organs and tissues. At the present time, they are among the main pathogens in the structure of acute respiratory diseases. In this case, the combined infection of the respiratory tract with viruses, pneumococcus and its associations, streptococcus and hemophilus influenza is found. It has been proved that in a number of cases, chlamydial infection in children does not affect the nature of clinical manifestations of acute respiratory viral infection, with the exception of obstructive syndrome. Chlamydial infection is one of the problems that arose sharply in the end of the twentieth century. This is due to its significant distribution in different age groups of the population, ranging from newborns, with a unique ability to strike various organs and systems, often with a chronic course. The number of children with combined pathology is increasing. First of all, this is a combination of chlamydia-cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus-chlamydia, toxoplasmosischlamydia-giardiasis-helminthic invasion. It has been proved that chlamydia is changing the adequacy of physiological reactions in an organism. Based on literature data, the prevalence and clinical manifestations of chlamydial infection in children are shown. The interrelation of chlamydial infection with the course of respiratory diseases, bronchial asthma, which have protracted and recurrent nature is stated. The role of chlamydial infection in stimulation of lymphoid tissue hyperplasia has been proved. The value of chlamydial infection in the genesis of bronchial asthma has not yet been studied, but researchers note high rates of infection with this pathogen. It has been proved that intracellular pathogens increase the inflammatory process in the respiratory tract, which leads to the development of structural rearrangements and activation of the process of remodelling the wall of the bronchial wall. It has been demonstrated that among patients with stable bronchial asthma, a high level of serological evidence of clinically asymptomatic chlamydial infections has been reported. It has been discovered in modern studies that chlamydia pneumoniae DNA has been detected in sputum in children, both in the form of a mono infection, and in association with a pneumococcus or a hemophilus influenza. The role of chlamydia in the development of atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular pathology has been established. The connection of the development of myocardial infarction with chlamydial infection is revealed. Atherosclerosis in hypercholesterolemia develops faster in the presence of not only viable but inactivated chlamidophyll in the body. It has been shown that the presence of chlamydia in the renal tissue affects the development and course of IgA nephropathy (Berger’s disease). The reason for the development of reactive arthritis in children may also be chlamydia. The most common pathogens of arthritis in children nowadays are intracellular infections, as well as various combinations of listed above pathogens, which should be taken into account at the stage of diagnosis of the disease and in the choice of therapeutic tactics. The role of chlamydial infection in the development of granulomatosis has been proved. Ch. рn. is considered as a possible infectious agent with the development of a number of neurological diseases, primarily Alzheimer’s, sometimes acute meningitis.
children, chlamydial infection, chlamydia
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (147), 2018 year, 27-32 pages, index UDK 616.983-053.2