About the author:
Myronenko S. H.
Type of article:
Scentific article
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), obesity worldwide currently estimated to involve 300 million patients and almost 1.7 billion people are overweight. In Ukraine, 53% of population is overweight and every fifth person experiences obesity. Medical investigations have determined that 15% of body fat in men and 23% of fat in women are acceptable for good health. The higher content of body fat is a risk factor for cardiovascular, cancer and metabolic diseases. The comprehensive treatment of obesity includes the management of rational physical activity pattern with practicing of exercise therapy and dietotherapy (portioned frequent meals, calorie restriction due to significant fats and carbohydrates reducing, decrease in water and salt intake), hydrotherapy, the use of hormones and appetite suppressants, self-massage. The therapeutic effect of exercise therapy is based on the significant increase in energy expenditure, normalization of all types of energy exchange, enhancement of lipolytic processes in various organs, improvement of all systems and organs functions, increase in training level and general working ability of the patient. The main objectives of exercise therapy are to provide the increase in metabolic activity for significant energy deficit formation regardless of the etiology and pathogenesis of disease; strengthening of the abdominal and lower back muscles; improvement the activity of intra-abdominal organs, respiratory, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems, their functional state; normalization of fat and carbohydrate metabolism; weight loss, increase in physical performance, improvement of psychosocial adaptation. The means of exercise therapy are physical exercises, tempering. Aerobic exercises which develop endurance include walking, running, aerobic dancing and gymnastics, cycling on ergometer, treadmill running, etc. and are the basis for therapeutic effect in patients with obesity. These exercises improve the adaptive capabilities of the cardio-respiratory and central nervous systems, significantly intensify metabolism and, thereby, increase the energy expenditure providing the weight loss. Physical exercises used in treatment of patients with obesity, should meet three criteria: 1 − the most important criterion from the physiological point of view is that the exercise must be aerobic; 2 − exercises should include rhythmic and coordinated movements, rather than disordered and uncoordinated ones. Any exercise which meets these two criteria can be considered as physiologically useful; 3 – the third criterion is based on psychotherapy − the training process should not contain comparative evaluation, considerations regarding victory, defeat or competition. The main idea is the process of performing the exercise. The activation of general motion pattern is the important factor for successful treatment of obesity in combination with diet and exercise therapy practicing. Moreover, it is advisable to sleep no more than 7−8 hours, replace the daytime sleep on weekends with walk, don’t stay in bed after waking up. It is better to walk to and from your work or at least part of the way to walk. Thus, the exercise therapy has the leading role in prevention and treatment of obesity. Proper exercise therapy management in combination with diet therapy and activation of the general physical activity pattern provide body weight normalization, improvement of general health and increase in performance ability.
obesity, exercise therapy, aerobic exercises, therapeutic gymnastics
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (147), 2018 year, 98-102 pages, index UDK 615.825:613.25