About the author:
Kovalenko A. G., Voronkova O. S.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Dermatomycoses (dermatophytosis) are infectious diseases of animals and humans, which are characterized by lesions of the skin and its products by pathogenic fungi of genera Trichophyton and Microsporum. The actuality of the topic is to study the skin diseases of the animal organism due to the considerable prevalence, variety and complexity of dermatological problems. This is due to the fact that the data about the disease have not been investigated completely, and veterinary dermatology, as a science, itself lags far behind to the development of other areas of animal pathology. Infectious skin lesions in animals are a serious problem, the solution of which largely depends on many factors, in particular, environmental, living standards and level of scientific achievements in dermatology, the presence of homeless diseased animals. The aim of the research was to investigate the spreading of fungal pathogens of the skin of animals in Petrykivskyi district of the Dnipropetrovsk region on the basis of laboratory research data. The research was done on the basis of the Petrykivsky District Hospital of Veterinary Medicine in the winter period of 2017. Animal wool was examined by bacteriological method and fluorescence microscopy. By the distribution of the number of investigated samples, it can be concluded that the overwhelming majority of infected animals were dogs – 15 (39.5%) and cats – 11 (28.9%), among which were domestic and homeless animals. Rarely, the material from horses – 8 (21.1%), hamsters – 3 (7.9%) and rats – 1 (2.6%), which were presented exclusively by domestic animals, was examined. It was found that 28 (73.7%) samples of the material were negative for the presence of pathogens of such infections, and in 10 (26.3%) cases the presence of pathogens of lesions was determined. The primary study of wool using a Wood’s lamp was confirmed bacteriologically. All cases of determining of the positive result for the infection were recorded for dogs – 6 (60%) and cats – 4 (40%), who were domestic, but had free access to outdoor. The epizootic situation of microsporia and trichophytosis in Petrykivskyi district of the Dnipropetrovsk region remains rather tense and is characterized by a significant development of epizootics that began in 2000. The highest incidence of fungal infections was detected in 2011, when 67 diseased animals were detected, which allowed to detect epizootics. Epizootic decrease was observed in 2013 – 34 cases and 28 cases – in 2014. In 2015, a new outbreak of epizootics was recorded: 38 positive results were found on fungal infections of animals. The same trend took place in 2016, when the number of diseased animals continued to increase. In 2017, the smallest incidence rate of animals is 22 cases. In the pet category, the most often positive results of research on infection were noted for dogs – 59.9%. More than 75% of the pathological material is derived from homeless animals. The largest area of the risk of spreading of infections of animals caused by microscopic fungi in Petrikivsky is v. Loboykivka and v. Petrikivka – 54 and 46 cases respectively. The safest situation was in v. Hrechane and v. Malaya Petrykivka, where in the period from 2013 fixed 3 and 4 cases of infection respectively. Studies on the presence of microscopic fungi – pathogens of animal lesions have one of the leading values for the sanitation of the agroindustrial complex and individual households, since animals are a potential source of infection for humans. Monitoring the spread of microscopic fungi that causes such lesions allows for the development and control of measures to spread them, which can protect people from infection.
microscopic mushrooms, dermatomycosis, animals, epizootics
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (147), 2018 year, 107-110 pages, index UDK 579.62