About the author:
Antoniv A. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The aim of the study was to find out the probable effect of the comorbid flow of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) on the functional state of the kidneys and the activity of inflammation of the kidneys in patients with chronic kidney disease (pyelonephritis) (CKD) of the I-III stage, to determine the pathogenetic role of endothelial dysfunction, lipid distress syndrome, endotoxicosis and oxidative stress in the mechanisms of their mutual burden. Object and methods of research. 240 patients with CKD (chronic bilateral peylonephritis) of the I-III stage were examined, 145 of which had comorbid NASH and obesity of the 1st degree (group 1), 95 patients were diagnosed with CKD І-ІІІ stages without comorbid pathology. Depending on the stage of the CKD, both groups were divided as follows: 1st group - into 3 subgroups: 51 patients with 1st stage CKD, 53 patients with 2nd stage CKD, 41 patients with 3rd stage CKD. The 2nd group was divided into 3 subgroups: 32 patients with 1st stage CKD, 35 patients with 2nd stage CKD, 28 patients with 3rd stage CKD. The control group consisted of 30 practically healthy persons. Results of research and their discussion. It was established that non-alcoholic steatohepatitis affects the functional state of the kidneys in patients with CKD І-ІІІ stages with a possible reduction of nitrogen function, velocity of glomerular filtration, increase in the intensity of hypoalbuminemia, proteinuria, leukocyturia, erythrocyturia, cylinduria, bacteriuria than in isolated course CKD. Conclusion. For the comorbidity of the CKD with NASH and a decrease in GFR, an increase in the intensity of oxidative stress, endotoxicosis, lipid distress syndrome, degree of violation of the functional state of the endothelium: increased activity of iNOS, nitrite/nitrate content, endothelin-1, homocysteine, cytokeratin-18, decrease in the activity of arginase, H2S content (p <0,05), which correlate with the intermediate and high power interactions with the index of GFR (p <0,05).
chronic kidney disease, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, glomerular filtration rate, oxidative stress, endotoxicosis, lipid distress syndrome, functional state of the endothelium
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (147), 2018 year, 120-124 pages, index UDK 616.61-002-008-06:616.36-003.826:613.25:615.099