About the author:
Bagatska N. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The main concept of the World Health Organization, set out in the Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health (2016–2030), is providing up to 2030 for every woman, every child, every adolescent in any city in the world the possibilities for realization of the rights to physical and mental health, social and economic opportunities. Therefore, in recent years, of particular concern is the problem of mental disorders occurrence in childhood, due to their rather high frequency and different complications in the state of somatic and mental health. Today, anxiety disorders are the most frequent among all categories of mental disorders and registered at 3.7-5.1 % of cases; they are characterized by significant polymorphism of clinical manifestations, dynamism and often cause serious difficulties in therapy. Factors that cause anxiety disorders are the following: genetic predisposition to psychosomatic and mental disorders, presence of the personal characteristics of the mother and the accentuated traits of the child, dysfunctional relationships with peers and family members. These factors often lead to the formation of suicidal behavior of the child and decline in the quality of life and, consequently, to the development of psychopathological disorders in adult life. Significant number of pathological conditions associated with structural changes in DNA, are characterized by disorders of the central nervous system development and functioning. Genomic rearrangements, revealed at submicroscopic and microscopic levels, are one of the most frequent causes of nervous and mental diseases. The hypothesis is considered on the role of one of the mechanisms of somatic mosaicism – activation of the mobile genetic elements transposition – in the pathogenesis of psychiatric disorders. One of the major causes of genome destabilization and changes in the system of maintaining the genome stability is violation in the functioning of the group of RNA-editing proteins AID/APOBEC, which play an important role in maintaining the stability of the genome of nerve cells through inhibition of unlimited expansion of retroelements that can lead to mental diseases, but this hypothesis needs further study. However, determination of the genetic nature of these disorders is not clarified completely. Aim. Study of spontaneous mutagenesis level in peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) of patients with various forms of anxiety disorders in vitro. Object and methods. Cytogenetic analysis has been carried out in 53 patients of 7 to 17 years old with various forms of anxiety disorders (31 patients – with phobic anxiety disorders (PAD) and 22 patients – with anxiodepressive disorders (ADD)). The comparison group consisted of 41 conditionally healthy peers. Results. Mean frequency of spontaneous mutagenesis in PBL of patients with PAD was 4.95 % and in patients with ADD – 5.75 % that exceeded the same parameters in healthy peers by more than three times (1.59 %). Chromosome-type aberrations were presented by single and paired acentric fragments, the frequency of which was higher than in lymphocytes of healthy children. Dicentric chromosomes were also more frequently defined in PBL of sick children. The ratio of chromatid – type aberrations to chromosome-type aberrations was 3.2 : 1 patients with PAD, 2.1 : 1 in patients with ADD, which corresponds to the spontaneous chromosome mutagenesis in somatic human cells. Increased frequency of chromosome aberrations in blood lymphocytes of patients with PAD and ADD has been revealed as a result of the performed studies. Preventive treatment aimed at genome stabilization in sick children may contribute to their reproductive health in future.
phobic anxiety disorders, anxiety-depressive disorders, healthy peers, chromosomes, aberrations
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (147), 2018 year, 124-127 pages, index UDK 575.116.4:616.89-008.44-053.2/.5