About the author:
Voznesenskaya T. Yu., Korotkiy Y. V., Grushka N. G., Kondratska O. A., Sribna V. O., Blaskiv T. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Today аdemole’s influence on functional ovaries remains unexplored. Data about the treatment of аdemol on oocytes and cells of their follicular environment are absent. The purpose of the work is to evaluate the effect of аdemol treatment on oocytes and cells of their follicular environment in mice, namely oocytes meiotic maturation, the viability of cells of their follicular environment in animals aged 8 weeks and 8 months. The study was conducted using 24 non-pregnant females of linear white mice for 8 weeks and 24 non-pregnant females with linear white mice at the age of 8 months. Two series of experiments were conducted. SERIES 1: аdemol treatment was once a day intraperitoneally (at a dose of 5 mg/kg). Animal groups: I - control (8 weeks) (n = 4); ІІ - ademol (8 weeks) (n = 6); III control (8 months) (n = 4); IV - ademol (8 months) (n = 6). Material (ovaries) for further research was taken 1 hour after ademol treatment. SERIES 2: аdemol treatment was once a day 4 times intraperitoneally (at a dose of 5 mg/kg). Animal groups: I - control (8 weeks) (n = 8); ІІ - 8 ademol (weeks) (n = 6); III control (8 months) (n = 8); IV - ademol (8 months) (n = 6). The material (ovaries) for further research was taken 1 hour after the last (fourth) treatment of ademol. No effect on oocytes and cells of follicular environments was detected after 1 h after single treatment of ademol in animals of all experimental groups (at the age of 8 weeks and 8 months). It has been established that the four-fold treatment of ademol leads to a 2,13-times increase in the number of oocytes successfully passing metaphase I and 2,03 times that reaching the metaphase II, as well as leads to an increase in 1,45 times the number of alive cells of the follicular environment, as well as a reduction of 1,75 times apoptotic and 1,47 times necrotic cells for mice age eight months. In this work we found that in eight-month-old mice, the treatment of ademol leads to an increase of number of oocytes successfully passing meiotic maturation, as well as an increase in number of alive, apoptotic and necrotic cells of the follicular environment. The data we have received expand the information about the effect of ademol treatment in experimental animals. Further research is needed to establish the mechanisms of action of аdemol on oocytes and cells of their follicular environment. It seems probable for us to clarify the possibility NO-dependent and antioxidant effects of аdemol using experimental models of immune-mediated damage. Conclusion. A four times treatment of ademol leads to an increase in the percentage of oocytes that successfully pass both phases of meiotic maturation and the proportion of living cells of the cells of the follicular environment, as well as a decrease in the percentage of apoptotic and necrotic cells of the follicular environment in eight months old mice.
ademol, oocytes, cells of follicular environment of oocytes, apoptosis, necrosis
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (147), 2018 year, 132-135 pages, index UDK 612.017:616.36:612.621.1:615.27:611.018