About the author:
Volkov V. G., Smetankina S. V., Volnyagina A. S., Fatenko S. N.
Type of article:
Scentific article
At present, much attention is paid to the issues of pregravid preparation, both here and abroad. In the available literature there are isolated studies on the awareness of patients and their commitment to pregravid preparation. The work assessed the commitment to the pregravid preparation of pregnant women living in the central part of Russia. The data was collected on the basis of the State Healthcare Institution «Maternity Hospital No. 1 in Tula named after VS. Gumilevskaya» in the period from 11/01/2017 to 04/30/2018. With the help of a specially designed questionnaire, a survey of 100 parturients was conducted. According to the study, this pregnancy was planned in 67% of women, including 38% among primiparous and 29% among multiparous. Only 36% of women went to a doctor for advice in preparation for pregnancy. A high smoking rate of 44% before pregnancy and 16% during pregnancy was established. Alcohol was consumed before pregnancy 49%, during pregnancy 5%. Moderate exercise was performed by 53%. In 59% of patients work is associated with increased stress, in 27% - there were conflicts in the team. Quarrels at home were rarely in 77% of respondents. Housing conditions in 76% of patients are rated as good. It is established that 55% use three meals a day, fish and seafood, 350 g per week, consumed 55%. Folic acid preparations before pregnancy did not take 73% of women. In the first trimester, folic acid supplements did not take 20%. Iodine preparations for 3 months before conception were taken by 17%. Vitamin D was taken 64%. Neither before conception nor during pregnancy, 23% of women did not take multivitamin-mineral complexes. Adherence to pregravid preparation in pregnant women is low. At present, pregravidary coverage is not adequate.
pregravid preparation, risk factors, pregnancy, folic acid
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (147), 2018 year, 135-138 pages, index UDK 618.2-089.163