About the author:
Kyznetsova M. O.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Hepatic disorders rank among leading diseases in the structure of morbidity and mortality of population in Ukraine. One of the main factors of liver damage is improper nutrition regimen with protein and carbohydrate deficiency. Data of scientific studies of hyponutrition’s influence on morphofunctional state of the liver in rats’ offspring are rather insufficient and often contradictive. The aim of the work was to study morphofunctional state of the liver in rats’ offspring born of females on lowprotein diet with carbohydrate deficiency during their pregnancy. Morphofunctional state of the liver in rats’ offspring born of females on low-protein diet with carbohydrate deficiency during their pregnancy has been studied. In order to determine morphofunctional state of the liver, a complex of morphometrical and immune histochemical examinations of liver tissues, as well as biochemical studies of blood serum and liver homogenate have been carried out. It is determined that low-calorie diet in rats during pregnancy has a significant influence on liver morphology in their offspring in the form of marked discomplexation of radial lobular structure, increased splenoportal index due to increased stromal and decreased parenchymal liver components, as well as decreased expression of endothelial synthase. Dysproteinemia, hyperlipidemia (increased levels of cholesterol, LDL, VLDL, and TG), hypoglycemia and increased calcitonin were determined in rat offspring serum. A biochemical study of liver homogenate determined signs of disturbed secretion and lipid reuptake manifested as increased cholesterol, accumulation of TG and unesterified fatty acids, as well as decreased level of phospholipids, which is a risk factor for development of liver steatosis and liver cirrhosis.
liver, morphology, homogenate, blood serum, low-protein diet, pregnancy
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (147), 2018 year, 151-156 pages, index UDK 616. 36 – 091. 8 – 092. 9: 613. 24