About the author:
Hasiuk P. A., Dzetsiukh T. I., Rosolovska S. O., Vorobets A. B., Bedeniuk O. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The article shows that an important element of the educational and qualification characteristics of a dentist is the ability to provide emergency medical care in typical emergency situations that are possible in his medical practice. In the educational and qualification characteristics of the specialist in the specialty 7.110106 “Stomatology”, the areas of training 1101 “Medicine”, based on production functions, typical tasks of the activity and skills that a graduate of a higher medical institution should have in this specialty, is indicated: diagnosis of emergency conditions, emergency medical care, emergency medical care. It is advisable to organize training in a special cabinet of simulation training using adequate means (manikins and simulators). Dummy for basic resuscitation measures; mannequin of the respiratory tract, manikin for conic puncture and conicotomy; mannequin hand for catheterization of veins nebulizer; consumables (gloves, masks, transfusion systems, syringes, medicines, etc.). The newest method of simulation training in dentistry provides for the development of skills and practical applications of acquired theoretical knowledge by individual student performance of the tasks of determining the overall tactics, diagnosis and treatment of simulated patients in the simulated situation of an emergency condition. The situation of an emergency condition is simulated - this is a scenario in which a specific emergency state is imitated by a specific person (a simulator) or a dummy using additional technical means. The study of emergency conditions by students of the stomatological faculty needs to improve and introduce the newest methods of simulation training in dentistry.
The educational and qualification characteristics, emergencies, dentistry
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (147), 2018 year, 209-212 pages, index UDK 378.14:616-083.8