About the author:
Labii Yu. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The perspective directions of dentistry in the XXI century The World Health Organization named orthodontics and implantology. Publications in recent years show a significant prevalence of dental anomalies along with other major dental diseases. The training of highly skilled persons on the specialty “Orthodontics” are an important task of dental faculties and specialized departments of medical universities. The purpose of studying the discipline is the formation of students’ knowledge and skills in the method of examination of children with dental anomalies, congenital and acquired malformations of the maxillofacial area, skills of diagnostics, prevention and treatment of this pathology, improvement of the quality of knowledge and skills in mastering the specialty. In the program the advanced content of the discipline “Orthodontics and children’s prosthesis “at the end of the 9th semester, students complete the study of the subject of the defense of the history of the disease of the orthodontic patient, which allows the student to show on a specific example all the completeness of clinical thinking, apply all the knowledge gained during three semesters, understand what is needed for this or that method of diagnosis, link the theory to practice. At the same time, the teacher will be able to clearly identify missing knowledge, violation of the logic of thinking in diagnosis, diagnosis and preparation of a plan for treatment of the patient with dento-facial anomaly, pathological bite. It helps to identify issues that need to be emphasized during lectures and seminars. It is extremely important for clinical thinking to master the principles of formulating an orthodontic diagnosis based on the results of diagnosis and planning of pathogenetic treatment. This allows students to develop their clinical thinking, makes them think and think. Knowledge of the features of orthodontic examination, diagnosis and choice of treatment methods is important in the preparation of an orthodontist. The modern and diverse methods of assessing the level of knowledge of future physicians increases the motivation to study the profession, the effectiveness of assimilation of the proposed material, which leads to the growth of professional skills.
teaching, dentistry, orthodontics, method, pregraduate education
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (147), 2018 year, 226-228 pages, index UDK 378.147.016:616.314-089.23