About the author:
Korol M. D., Skubiy O. M., Korol D. M., Cherevko F. A., Davydova O. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The paper presents the splinting technique for teeth with different degrees of their mobility. Fixation of mobile teeth was carried out with samarium-cobalt magnets, which were placed on photopolymer material into previously prepared teeth cavities in small portions, considering the exact ratio of positive and negative poles; when fixing magnets in the tooth cavity, special attention is paid to the quality restoration of contact points. The splinting technique for mobile teeth includes the following steps. The preparation of teeth which should support the splint is performed first with cylindrical burs in the form of grooves or depressions at the distance of 2-3 mm from the cutting edge of the teeth, 1.5-2 mm in depth and about 2 mm wide. After the cavity preparation for magnets application, the accuracy of preparation in the oral cavity should be checked. The diameter of the burs should be greater than the diameter of the magnets used. Then, the photopolymer material is introduced into the prepared cavities in small portions and, directly, magnets are placed into it, considering the exact ratio of the positive and negative poles. The duration of the luminous flux on the photopolymer material was equal to 20 seconds for each applied layer of photopolymer material; the thickness of the applied material should not exceed 1.5 mm. Processing the finished fixed orthopedic construction is performed after polymerization according to the standard technology. Splinting of the movable teeth based on the proposed method significantly improves the properties of fixed splinting structures and reduces tooth mobility, contributes to the significant improvement in the hygienic conditions of the oral cavity by reproducing the contact points between the teeth and prevents fracture of the crown part of the teeth and fractures of the tooth root due to less significant preparation.
tooth mobility, preparation, splinting, samarium-cobalt magnets
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (147), 2018 year, 241-243 pages, index UDK 616.314–026.372–089.22