About the author:
Vovk Yu. N., Antonyuk O. P.
Type of article:
Scentific article
In the germs of 4.5-5.0 mm in length, the TKD stomach is an asymmetrically enlarged part of the primary intestinal tube concave to the left. The wall of the future stomach consists of two layers – epithelial and mesenchymal. The process of forming the stomach is due to the uneven growth of its parts and the formation of large and small curvature. The growth of the dorso-left divisions above the ventral right is dominant, and the uneven growth in the cranial-caudal direction is observed. The gateway is lagging behind in the development compared to the formation of the vault and the body of the stomach. The primary tabulation of the duodenum (duodenal ulcer) is formed as a result of changes in the anterior and middle portions of the primary intestine that follows the stomach. The duodenal wall is presented at the end of the pre-fetal period, the shape of the gastro-intestinal part of the stomach acquires a cylindrical and pancreatic form (12:4 cases), duodenal ulcer – horseshoe-shaped and V-shaped (5:3 cases). The upper part of the duodenum in front and on the top touches the right lobe of the liver, as well as the body and neck of the gall bladder, the head of the pancreas adjoins to the bottom and part of it in the back. The lower part of the duodenum case reaches the level of the gate of the right kidney or its lower pole. The lower part is tightly adjacent to the back wall of the abdominal cavity and vessels placed therein. The inner part of the gastroduodenal transition is almost smooth, especially the back wall. However, there are barely noticeable folds of the mucous membrane without clear boundaries between the goalie part and the body of the stomach, mainly on the front of the wall, that is, within the limits of the future goalkeeper cave. In the pre-term developmental period, the closure device of the stomach is formed – due to the synthetic effect of the diaphragm (esophagus-gastric transition) and the special spatial form of the goalkeeper and the growth of the muscle lock (gastro-duodenal transition). At the end of the prefetal period, the diameter of the gut gate is 1.9 0.11 mm, the goal-feeding canal is 2.7 ± 0.12 mm, the diameter of the bulb of the duodenum is 2.5 ± 0.10 mm, the length of the goal-feeding canal along the small curviline is 2.5 ± 0,10 mm, the length of the canal channel along the large curvature is 3.3 ± 0.21 mm, the angle of the stomach is 94.7 ± 0.20°. The stomach is mostly spindle-shaped, is located in the left hypochondrium, in the upper quadrant of the abdomen, above the conditional umbilical line. The small curvature of the stomach is determined by the generalized gastroduodenal transition, the angle cut on the small curvature is not differentiated. In the stomach, you can distinguish between the goalie and the body. The gate cavern and the bottom of the stomach are not differentiated. The front wall of the stomach is in contact with the left and square lobes of the liver. At this stage of development, the front wall of the stomach is completely covered with visceral surface of the liver. Typical for gastroduodenal transition in perinatal periarthritis is the following correlation of parameters of its components: the largest diameter has a goal channel, the smaller is the bulb of the duodenum, and the smallest is the gastroenterologist.
stomach, gastroduodenal transition, embryos, pre-fetal, fetuses
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (147), 2018 year, 253-258 pages, index UDK 611.33.342-053.1.31