About the author:
Tykhvynska O., Volkova N., Rogulska O., Revenko O., Mazur S.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Despite the progress of biotechnology and its impact on health care, wound healing remains an actual medical and social issue. Blood plasma is a unique natural material for development of wound dressings that ensure passive protection and contribute to the full recovery of skin defects. The aim of this studywas to compare the process of skin wound repair and regeneration in mice in the presence of macroporous scaffolds and microporous gel obtained from plasma. Microporous plasma-based gel was prepared from the whole blood of adult donors using a standard method which includes 2-step centrifugation and addition of blood serum and calcium chloride. Macroporous scaffolds were obtained from blood plasma by cryogelation procedure. Full-thickness excision skin wounds were made on the backs of Balb/c mice using a dermal punch under the general anesthesia. Wound healing dynamic was assessed by macroscopic and planimetric methods. Histological examination was performed on hematoxylin and eosin-stained sections of skin to assess characteristics of the epidermis and underlying tissues. It was established that wound healing rates in control group and groups with gel or scaffold application were not significantly different during the whole period of examination. According to histology study results, the use of macroporous plasma-based scaffold contributed to the reduction of inflammation in the first stage of healing. Newly formed skin had uniformly oriented collagen fibers, capillary vessels and multiple skin derivatives. Compared to the spontaneous healing process and scaffold application, wound covering with gel from blood plasma led to an earlier maturation of granulation tissue and complete restoration of dermal and epidermal layers of damaged skin area. In conclusion, the paper shows promising efficacy results of using plasma-based carriers as protective coatings for wound healing.
wound healing, excision skin wounds, plasma-based gel, macroporous scaffolds
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 4 Part 2 (147), 2018 year, 307-312 pages, index UDK 616.5-001.4-092.4:611.018.54:544.022.537